The Battle for Motion-Control Gaming Heats Up
Video-game systems have evolved unbelievably over the past few decades. These days, motion-control gaming is all the rage, and Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo have all fully jumped on this bandwagon. Now that Microsoft's highly anticipated Kinect is finally available in stores, let's take a closer look at these three systems, examining their differences and evaluating their strengths and weaknesses.
Without a doubt, the Microsoft Kinect for the Xbox 360 is at the cutting edge of gaming. The Kinect incorporates a video camera, voice-recognition software, and intelligent motion sensors to provide players with an entirely hands-free gaming experience. No controllers or special gadgets are needed; a mere wave of the hand or a simple vocal command lets users play games. Consumers certainly have connected with Kinect, with millions already sold in the first few months of its release.
Microsoft is not the only company with a horse in this race, however. Sony sold 2.5 million of its new PlayStation 3 Move controllers in the first month of their release in 2010. What's more, the Internet has been abuzz with praise of the system's pinpoint precision. Not to be outdone, Nintendo, the trailblazer in motion-control gaming, is now offering the Wii MotionPlus. According to Nintendo, this add-on for the Wiimote “senses gameplay movements with greater accuracy than ever before.”
電玩遊戲系統在過去數十年間有了驚人的發展。今日,體感遊戲正發燒,微軟、索尼和任天堂全都搭上這股潮流。既然眾人高度期盼的微軟 Kinect 終於上架販售,我們就來進一步了解這三款電玩系統,檢視它們的不同之處,評估其優缺點吧。
毫無疑問地,微軟 Xbox 360 遊戲主機的動作感應系統 Kinect 走在遊戲的尖端。Kinect 包含一個攝影機、語音辨識軟體和智慧型動作感應器,提供玩家一個全然無需用手部拿控制器的遊戲體驗。無需控制器或其他特殊配件,玩家只要靠揮擺手部或簡單的聲控即可玩遊戲。消費者顯然對 Kinect 愛不釋手,Kinect 在上市頭幾個月就賣出數百萬台。
不過,微軟並不是這場體感遊戲大戰的唯一參賽者。索尼於二○一○年新推出的 PlayStation 3 Move 控制器在發行首月即有 250 萬件的銷量。甚者,網路上對於該系統精確的高感應度讚譽有佳。不願就此被比下去,體感遊戲的先鋒任天堂目前推出了 Wii MotionPlus 動態強化感測器。據任天堂表示,此 Wiimote 附加配件「偵測遊戲動作的準確度更勝以往。」
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