Optimize Your Online Research
In an age when there seems to be more information at our fingertips than ever before, online research should be a piece of cake. However, the vastness of the Internet can sometimes mean sifting through pages of online text — a bothersome and time-consuming prospect. With the right tools, though, you can sort the wheat from the chaff to ensure efficient information collection and integration.
RSS Feeds
Online content is updated at a breakneck pace these days, and it can be tricky staying on top of things. One way to make sure you have the most up-to-date facts and figures is by using a feed, which delivers regularly updated content to your favorites bar. You'll either need to download a feed reader like NewsGator, which can be integrated with Microsoft Outlook, or use a Web-based service like GoogleReader.
If you don't have time to flip through an entire newspaper or organize your day to catch the evening news, podcasts are a great alternative. They allow you to access bite-size chunks of targeted information at your convenience, and you don't have to worry about missing an episode. With podcatching software, each installment can be automatically downloaded via your RSS feed. Many services double as feed readers and can also be used for downloading video files.
善用網路工具 成就漂亮蒐集力
線上內容近來以驚人的速度更新,想隨時掌握最新資訊反而不容易。確保自己能獲得最新事實與數據的一項方式就是使用訊息來源閱讀器,它能將定期更新的內容傳送到你的最愛書籤。你只需要下載像是可和 Microsoft Outlook 整合的 NewsGator 閱讀器或使用以網路服務為主的 Google 閱讀器就可以了。
如果你沒有時間翻閱整份報紙或安排一天當中的時間去追晚間新聞,播客是個很棒的選擇。它們讓你很方便就取得容易消化的目標資訊,你毋須擔心會錯過任何一集。使用能下載播客內容的軟體,每集檔案就能透過 RSS 閱讀器自動下載。很多播客服務都兼具訊息來源閱讀器的功能,也能用來下載影音檔案。
資料來源:biz 互動英語電子報