
Can Tim Cook Up the Perfect Apple Recipe?

The late Steve Jobs will be a hard act to follow, but Tim Cook could be up to the task. Things initially looked ominous with Apple's stock tumbling in the hours following Jobs' resignation as CEO of the corporation. However, the leap to an all-time high of US$413.23 in late September indicates confidence in Cook's abilities to steer the ship through choppy waters.

Cook is hardly wet behind the ears, having helmed the company for two temporary stints in 2004 and 2009 while Jobs took leave for cancer treatment. The Alabaman came on board in 1998 as Vice President of Operations, having previously excelled in roles at Compaq and IBM. Jobs — a notoriously tough interviewer — had quickly dismissed several candidates, but was immediately impressed with Cook. One observer says Jobs liked the way Cook seemed “unflappable” under pressure. Cook quickly repaid Jobs' faith, setting to work on Apple's manufacturing inefficiencies. He drastically reduced inventory levels, and streamlined Apple's supply chain by closing far-flung factories and moving things to Apple's doorstep.

Cook is seen as a markedly different personality to Jobs. He has maintained a relatively low public profile and appears more reserved than his predecessor. However, those close to the new CEO say that people should not be fooled. Underneath the quiet and calm surface is a steely and determined leader.

掌舵蘋果帝國 庫克接班挑戰大

已故的史蒂夫‧賈伯斯會是個令人望塵莫及的典範,但提姆‧庫克有可能擔當得起這項重任。由於賈伯斯辭去蘋果執行長數小時後導致公司股價大跌,情況原本極為不利。不過,蘋果股價在九月底躍升至 413.23 美元的史上新高,可見市場普遍相信庫克有能力帶領公司度過洶湧波濤。

庫克絕非經驗不足的新手領導者,他在賈伯斯於二○○四年及二○○九年請假治療癌症期間,就曾兩度暫時執掌公司兵符。出身阿拉巴馬州的庫克在一九九八年以營運副總裁的身分加入蘋果,先前在康柏與 IBM 任職皆有傑出表現。賈伯斯是個惡名昭彰的嚴苛面試官,當時很快就淘汰數名候選人,但他卻對庫克立即留下深刻印象。一名觀察家表示賈伯斯喜歡庫克在壓力下「鎮定自若」的模樣。庫克也很快就回應賈伯斯對他的信心,著手改善蘋果生產效率不佳的問題。他大幅削減庫存量,並藉由關閉偏遠工廠和統包自家業務來簡化蘋果的供應鏈。


資料來源:biz 互動英語電子報

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