
A Question of Focus: Fujifilm Thrives, Kodak Fades

Early this year, Eastman Kodak filed for bankruptcy. It was a stunning tumble from the top of the pile for the 132-year-old firm. As late as the 1990s, Kodak was still rated among the most valuable brands in the world. Then things went digital. By last year, revenues had dropped US$10 billion from a high of US$16 billion in 1996. In contrast, its fierce rival Fujifilm has adapted and thrived. Why this glaring difference in fortunes? 

Even prior to the digital era, Kodak was accused of being complacent, allowing Fujifilm to invade its home market in the U.S. Kodak was also preoccupied with creating perfect products, whereas a “make it, launch, fix it” approach was becoming the norm, according to Rosabeth Moss Kanter, who advised the firm. 

However, the advent of digital was not the crux of the problem. Both firms had anticipated that. Indeed, Kodak had flirted with digital technology as early as 1975. Like Fujifilm, Kodak had foreseen that profits from digital photography would be a fraction of those from film. However, when camera phones sliced into the digital market, Kodak — which had failed to adequately diversify — was left exposed. Furthermore, inconsistent leadership and questionable strategies under a series of poor-performing CEOs made the situation worse. 

Kodak had always depended on its brand image to see it through, but it rapidly became apparent that this would not be enough.

品牌聚焦──富士軟片之興 vs.柯達之衰

今年初,伊士曼柯達公司聲請破產。對於這家擁有 132 年歷史的公司而言,這是從雲端跌落的驚人一跤。一直到一九九○年代,柯達仍被認為是世上最有價值的品牌之一。接著,全球走上數位化的道路。到了去年,柯達的營收已從一九九六年臻於高峰的一百六十億美元滑落了一百億美元。相形之下,其剛強的競爭對手富士軟片卻能夠適應並茁壯成長。這兩家公司的命運為何會有如此明顯的差異?




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