
Bone: If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them

As Apple products have taken the world by storm, manufacturers of Apple accessories have also cashed in. One company that has ridden the wave and made a name for itself is the brand Bone. Since 2005, Bone has set up more than 5,000 points of sale around the world, generating hundreds of millions of NT dollars a year in revenues.

Reads Lin, founder of Bone, always felt like he was skating on thin ice. Before Bone, Lin had an MP3 player company that lost out in its competition with major corporations such as Apple. With not much competition in the market, Lin decided that making silicone cases for mobile devices might be a good business. So he founded Bone, making protective cases and accessories for the products of his old rival — Apple.

Lin hasn't forgotten the hardships he endured in establishing the brand. On one occasion when design plans didn't match the factory's production machinery, mass production of the product was delayed. In those early days, Lin had difficulty raising capital and was hard-pressed to convince foreign corporations to see his company as anything more than an OEM. However, Lin maintained a positive attitude. “Hold on to the core value of the brand, and put in every effort to make the best possible products,” he says.

Bone 的戰鬥哲學: 打不贏,就加入它們!

當蘋果的產品襲捲全球時,蘋果配件的製造商也跟著大發利市。有一家乘這股浪潮而闖出一片天的公司名為 Bone。自二○○五年起,Bone 已在全球設立五千多個銷售據點,締造一年上億新台幣的營收。

Bone 的創辦人林進昇一路走來如履薄冰。在成立 Bone之前,林進昇擁有的一家 MP3 播放器公司因不敵蘋果等大公司的競爭而收攤。由於競爭對手不多,林進昇做出決定,認為製造行動裝置矽膠保護套可能是門好生意。因此他成立了 Bone,製造昔日勁敵蘋果產品專用的保護殼與配件。


資料來源:biz 互動英語電子報

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