London: A Creative Capital
London has long been considered one of the world’s creative capitals. Students from across the globe compete to get into the top art and design schools like Central Saint Martins, London College of Fashion and Goldsmiths. This year, a variety of showcase events have put London’s creative prowess in the spotlight once more — and we’re not even counting the Olympics!
In April, the Diamond Jubilee celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II gave London’s creative talent the opportunity to show what they were made of in eye-catching fashion. Two London-based firms had a hand to play in the spectacular technology known as projection mapping, which appeared to make Buckingham Palace come alive. For the new kids on the block, there was the 27th New Designers exhibition in June. The competition featured work from 3,500 design graduates from fields as diverse as animation and product design and is seen as a springboard to launching the careers of budding designers.
Then, this month, the 10th London Design Festival will see design-related events taking place across the city over a 10-day period. The centerpiece of the festival is the Landmark Designs project, where world-famous architects are commissioned to produce works for some of London’s best-known public spaces.
London, it seems, is at the pinnacle of its creative evolution. How could it possibly get any better?
古城倫敦 創意新裳
倫敦長久以來被視為世上的創意首都之一。全球各地的學生爭相進入中央聖馬丁、倫敦時尚學院以及金匠學院這類頂尖的藝術與設計學校。今年,各式各樣的展示活動再次讓倫敦的創意能力受到萬眾矚目—— 我們甚至還沒有把奧運涵蓋在內呢!
四月時,女王伊莉莎白二世的鑽禧慶典讓倫敦的創意人才有機會以搶眼的方式展現他們的能耐。兩家倫敦公司展示了名為光雕投影的驚人科技,讓白金漢宮彷彿活了起來。對於新進的設計人才,則有六月的第廿七屆新生代設計人展覽。這場競賽展示了 3,500 名設計畢業生的作品,參賽者擅長的領域從動畫到產品設計應有盡有。這項活動被視為新進設計師開展事業的跳板。
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