Adding a bit of art and fun to the bathroom

  The best designed homes leave nothing out. From the mailboxes to the sink drains, no attention to style or detail is _(1)_. When a bathroom needs an update, how do you give your toilet a makeover? This interesting question has an even more intriguing answer.
  In the realm of home decor, Toilet Tattoos are now being praised as a _(2)_alternative to an old idea, and they really stand out from the others. They allow anyone to add a personal touch to a very personal space. This is made possible _(3)_ a reusable toilet lid decoration. Toilet Tattoos look like giant stickers for your toilet lids. They are applied _(4)_ a similar fashion but can be easily removedand need no special attention when it comes to cleaning, which makes them convenient and hygienic.
  The mastermind behind this idea is Celeste Massullo, a fashion designer and the owner of Lena Fiore', Inc., the company that produces Toilet Tattoos. Massullo, whose clothing has been worn by celebrities _(5)_ Mariah Carey and Brooke Shields, is no amateur when it comes to designing. Yet, it was only in 2003 that she was inspired to find a new way to decorate the throne in the bathroom. _(6)_ started as a home remodeling project grew into two years of research and development and a new field of design. Toilet Tattoos _(7)_numerous styles, with custom designs also available. Whether they give your family a laugh or make you the envy of the neighborhood, Toilet Tattoos are thefinishing touches your bathrooms have been waiting for.

1. (A) noticed   (B) overlooked    (C) adopted   (D) frustrated
2. (A) regular   (B) scarce     (C) novel (D) doubtful
3. (A) on behalf of(B) for the sake of (C) by means of (D) at the risk of
4. (A) in   (B) to (C) by         (D) with
5. (A) let alone (B) rather than (C) far from (D) such as
6. (A) How   (B) That     (C) Where (D) What
7. (A) come across (B) come in     (C) come up with(D) come down with


1. From the mailboxes to the sink drains, no attention to style or detail isoverlooked.理由:
a. (A) notice vt. 注意
例: I didn't notice the ditch on the side of the road before I drove into it.
(B) overlook vt. 忽略,忽視
例: Ed overlooked the question's key point, so he couldn't figure out the answer.
(C) adopt vt. 採取,採用;領養
例: We will adopt a new marketing plan at the beginning of the next quarter.
(D) frustrate vt. 使灰心,使挫敗
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。

2. In the realm of home decor, Toilet Tattoos are now being praised as a novelalternative to an old idea, and they really stand out from the others.理由:
a. (A) regular a. 普通的,一般的
(B) scarce a. 缺乏的,不足的
例: Scarce resources lead to fierce competition.
(C) novel a. 新穎的,新奇的
例: Paul proposed a novel idea which may help boost sales.
(保羅提出 1 個能提升業績的新穎點子。)
(D) doubtful a. 懷疑的;疑惑的
例: It is highly doubtful that the police will find the real murderer.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。

3. This is made possible by means of a reusable toilet lid decoration.理由:
a. (A) on behalf of...  代替∕代表……
例: The lawyer issued a statement on behalf of the victim's family.
(該律師代表受難者家屬發布了 1 項聲明。)
(B) for the sake of...  為了……的緣故
例: You should exercise on a daily basis for the sake of your health.
(C) by means of...  藉由……
例: The only way to the village is by means of a boat.
(D) at the risk of...  冒著……的危險∕風險
例: At the risk of losing all his money, Kevin invested in the project.
b. 根據語意,可知 (C) 應為正選。

4. They are applied in a similar fashion but can be easily removed and need no special attention when it comes to cleaning, which makes them convenient and hygienic.理由:
a. 本空格在測試以下固定用法:
in a/  以……的方式
fashion n. 方式(= way)
例: We worked out our differences in a civilized fashion.
b. 根據上述,可知應選 (A)。

5. Massullo, whose clothing has been worn by celebrities such as Mariah Carey and Brooke Shields, is no amateur when it comes to designing.理由:
a. (A) let alone...  更不用說……
= much less...
= not to mention...
= not to speak of...
= to say nothing of...
在上列用法中,let alone 及 much less 只能用於否定涵義的句中,且因具有連接詞的作用,故其後應置與其前相同的詞類。而 not to mention, not to speak of 及 to say nothing of 則在肯定句與否定句中均可使用。
例: Howard can't swim, let alone do the backstroke.
(B) rather than...  而不……
(C) far from...  離……很遠
(D) such as...  諸如∕像是……
例: Mosquitoes spread diseases such as malaria.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。

6. What started as a home remodeling project grew into two years of research and development and a new field of design.理由:
a. 空格後有 2 個動詞 started(開始)和 grew into(成長為……),均缺乏主詞,可知空格應置入能作主詞、同時亦可引導名詞子句的詞類,使該名詞子句作為主要子句的主詞。
b. How 和 Where 為疑問副詞,That 為連接詞,3 者均可引導名詞子句,但無法作該名詞子句中的主詞,故 (A)、(B) 和 (C) 均不可選。
c. What 為疑問代名詞,可引導名詞子句作 grew into 的主詞,同時亦可作名詞子句的主詞。
例: What came after the economic recession was a period of high unemployment.
例: The results proved what we had previously believed was totally wrong.
d. 根據上述,可知 (D) 為正選。

7. Toilet Tattoos come in numerous styles, with custom designs also available.理由:
a. (A) come across...  偶然遇見∕碰上……
= run into...
例: I came across some really good bargains at the mall.
(B) come in...  有……(大小、尺寸、顏色等)
例: The shirt comes in a variety of colors.
(C) come up with...  想出∕提出……(主意、點子等)
例: David racked his brain, trying to come up with a special gift for his wife.
(D) come down with...  因……而病倒,染上……(病)
例: Anna came down with a cold after she was rescued from the lake.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。 

  1. leave...out/leave out...  遺漏……
    例: Tina left out some important details in her report.
  2. alternative n. 替代方案;選擇
    have no alternative but to V  別無選擇只能……,不得不……
    = have no option but to V
    = have no choice but to V
    例: We had no alternative but to hand over our valuables to the robbers.
  3. stand out  突出,傑出
    例: There are many excellent students in our school, but only a few really stand out.
  4. apply vt. 應用,運用
    apply A to B  將 A 應用∕運用於 B
    例: Scientists are trying to apply solar technology to automobiles.
  5. remove vt. 移除;移動
    remove A from B  將 A 從 B 中移除∕移走
    例: Pete removed the books from the sofa to make room for his guests to sit.
  6. when it comes to + N/V-ing  說到……
    例: When it comes to telling jokes, nobody is better than Matt.
  7. inspire vt. 啟發;激勵
    inspire sb to V  啟發∕激勵某人(做)……
    例: My teacher inspired me to follow my dreams and become a pilot.
  8. decorate vt. 裝飾
    decorate A with B  用 B 裝飾 A
    例: Linda decorated her room with posters of rock stars.
  9. custom a. 訂做的,訂製的
    例: Custom jewelry is what the company is known for.
  10. envy n. 羨慕
    be the envy of...  是……羨慕的對象
    例: Stephanie's new cell phone is the envy of everyone in her class.

  1. tattoo vt. 在……上刺青 & n. 刺青
  2. toilet n. 馬桶
  3. mailbox n. 信箱
  4. sink n. 水槽
  5. drain n. 排水管;排水設備
  6. update n. 更新
  7. makeover n.(改頭換面的)裝扮,改造
  8. intriguing a. 引人入勝的,令人感興趣的
  9. realm n. 領域,範圍
  10. decor n. 裝飾;室內裝潢
  11. personal a. 個人的;私人的
  12. touch n. 裝飾,點綴
    a/the finishing touch
  13. reusable a. 可重複使用的
  14. lid n. 蓋子
  15. sticker n. 貼紙
  16. hygienic a. 衛生的
    hygiene n. 衛生(學)
  17. mastermind n. 策劃者
  18. amateur n. 業餘者 & a. 業餘的
    professional n. 專業人士 & a. 專業的
  19. throne n. 王座,寶座
  20. remodel vt. 改建;重新塑造
  21. numerous a. 許多的
  22. available a. 可得到的;可利用的


馬桶刺上青 炫麗秀創意
  這個想法的幕後策劃者是 Celeste Massullo,她是時裝設計師,也是生產馬桶刺青的 Lena Fiore' 公司負責人。瑪麗亞‧凱莉和布魯克‧雪德絲等名人都穿過 Massullo 設計的衣服,所以說到設計,她可是位行家。不過要到 2003 年,她才受到啟發,找出新方法來點綴浴室馬桶這個寶座。最初的 1 項居家改裝計劃,演變成 2 年的研發過程和嶄新的設計領域。馬桶刺青的種類繁多,甚至還可以訂做樣式。無論它帶給你的家人會心一笑或是讓你成為街坊鄰居稱羨的對象,馬桶刺青是你家浴室長久以來所等待、具有畫龍點睛作用的裝飾品。
答案:1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D)  6. (D) 7. (B)


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