Learn what has made Jelly Belly jelly beans so successful.
看看 Jelly Belly 糖豆為何能如此成功。

  Take a man with a quirky dream to create a tiny gourmet sweet, mix in awell-established candy manufacturer, and what do you get? Jelly Bellies are not your average jelly beansInstead, they have exotic flavors like buttered popcorn,chili mango, tutti-frutti, and more.
  The driving force behind Jelly Belly jelly beans was an American named David Klein, who wanted to create what he called the Rolls-Royce of jelly beans. Klein had the idea to make gourmet jelly beans but didn't have the means to produce them, so he approached a well-established candy company tomanufacture them. The Herman Goelitz Candy Company had a reputation forproducing delicious, high quality candy. By using natural ingredients and a special production process, Goelitz was able to infuse the jelly beans with appealingflavors. In 1976, the first Jelly Belly jelly beans consisted of eight flavors. They have been so successful over the years that there are now 50 official flavors.
  These gourmet jelly beans were definitely a cut above the ones other companies were making at the time. However, there is more to the success of Jelly Bellies than just the ingredients or the manufacturing process. Much of the candy's success came from Klein's idea to market the beans in single flavors, which had never been done before. The beans managed to catch the attention of then California Governor Ronald Reagan, who had more than three and a half tons shipped to the White House for his presidential inauguration in 1981. Reagan also credited Jelly Belly jelly beans with helping him kick his habit of smoking. The former US president was so fond of Jelly Bellies that he even had a specialholder for them installed in Air Force One.

1. According to the article, who had a dream to create an amazing new jelly bean?
(A) Ronald Reagan.
(B) Herman Goelitz.
(C) David Klein.
(D) Rolls-Royce.

2. What was one of the keys to Klein's success?
(A) He wanted to manufacture jelly beans himself.
(B) He sold jelly beans in individual flavors rather than in assorted mixes.
(C) He convinced an American president to be his spokesperson.
(D) He bought the Herman Goelitz Candy Company.

3. What did Ronald Reagan do in 1981?
(A) Resigned from the presidency of the United States.
(B) Took over as head of a candy company.
(C) Invested in Klein's charity.
(D) Ordered a lot of candy for the ceremony where he was sworn in as president.

4. What does "credited" in the final paragraph mean?
(A) Attributed.
(B) Spent wildly.
(C) Consumed.
(D) Used medically.

  1. jelly n. 果凍;膠狀物
    jelly bean n. 糖豆,軟心豆粒糖
  2. belly n. 腹部
  3. quirky a. 古怪的
  4. gourmet a. 製作美食的
  5. manufacturer n. 製造業者,廠商
  6. popcorn n. 爆米花
  7. chili n. 辣椒
  8. tutti-frutti n. 什錦水果口味
  9. driving force  (幕後的)推手
  10. Rolls-Royce n. 勞斯萊斯(高級汽車名)
    the Rolls-Royce of sth  某類產品中的極品
  11. manufacture vt. 製造
  12. ingredient n. 原料
  13. official a. 正式的
  14. definitely adv. 絕對地
  15. market vt. 行銷
  16. single a. 單一的
  17. governor n. 州長
  18. ship vt. 運送
  19. presidential a. 總統的
  20. inauguration n. 就職
  21. holder n. 托盤;支撐物
  22. Air Force One  空軍一號(美國總統專機)
  23. individual a. 個別的,單獨的
  24. assorted a. 各種各樣混雜在一起的
  25. resign vi. 辭職
  26. presidency n. 總統職務

Instead, they have exotic flavors like buttered popcorn, chili mango, tutti-frutti, and more.
a. instead 為副詞,單獨使用時,可譯成『(反)而』、『相反地』,或酌情不必譯出。
Henry didn't go to band practice yesterday. Instead, he went to the movies with Julie.
b. instead 亦可與介詞 of 並用,形成片語介詞,加受詞後形成介詞片語,作副詞用,可置於句首或句中,修飾全句,譯成『而非、而不要』、『(非但)不……(反)而……』。
Instead of + N/V-ing, S + V  
= Rather than + N/V/V-ing, S + V
Pete bought a cell phone with a touch screen instead of one with a qwerty keyboard.
彼特買了 1 支觸控螢幕的手機,而非按鍵式的。
Instead of being happy, Jack seemed quite upset about winning the singing contest.

  1. well-established a. 信譽卓著的,享有盛名的
    Michael is the marketing director at a well-established company.
    麥可在 1 家信譽卓著的的公司擔任行銷總監。
  2. means n. 方法;手段(單複數同形)
    One means of communication for deaf people is sign language.
  3. approach vt. 與……接洽;找……商量
    You shouldn't be afraid to approach your teachers for advice.
  4. have a/the reputation for...  以……著稱
    This library has a reputation for having rare books.
  5. infuse vt. 注入;向……灌輸
    infuse A with B  將 B 注入∕灌輸於 A
    This oil has been infused with herbs and spices, giving it a distinct flavor.
  6. appealing a. 吸引人的(= attractive)
    Katherine finds heart-shaped diamonds appealing.
  7. consist of...  包含……;由……組成
    = be composed of...
    = be made up of...
    Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
  8. be a cut above...  優於……
    This champagne is a cut above the rest.
  9. manage to V  設法完成∕做到……
    How did Amy manage to get her father to let her use his car?
  10. credit sb/sth with...  
    Most people credited Nick with inventing that useful machine.
  11. kick vt. 戒除(惡習)
    kick one's/the habit of + V-ing  
    = get rid of the habit of + V-ing
    develop the habit of V-ing  
    Ted is trying to kick the habit of going to bed late.
    Jenny has developed the habit of going to the movies every Sunday afternoon.
  12. be fond of...  喜歡……
    My grandfather is fond of playing chess with his buddies at the park.
  13. install vt. 安裝,設置
    David installed a baby monitor in his daughter's room.
  14. convince sb to V  說服某人(做)……
    I tried to convince my friend to get a tattoo, but she wouldn't even consider it.
  15. take over...  接管……
    Marvin took over his father's business when he was 30 years old.
    馬文在 30 歲時接管他父親的事業。
  16. invest vi. & vt. 投資
    invest in...  投資……
    invest A in B  將 A 投資到 B
    My father is looking to invest in real estate.
    Mary invested all of her savings in the stock market.
  17. be sworn in as + 職位名稱  
    Mr. Smith was sworn in as mayor last week.
  18. attribute vt. 把……歸因於
    attribute A to B  將 A 歸因於 B
    Brian attributes all his failures to bad luck.


看看 Jelly Belly 糖豆為何能如此成功。
  把 1 個懷抱要創造出小小美味甜食的古怪夢想的人,和 1 家信譽卓越的糖果製造商擺在一起,會迸出什麼樣的火花呢?Jelly Belly 並非一般的糖豆。而是擁有像是奶油爆米花、辣芒果和什錦水果等多種特殊口味的糖豆。
  Jelly Belly 糖豆的幕後推手是 1 位名叫大衛˙克萊的美國人,他想要創造出糖豆中的極品。克萊有製造美味糖豆的點子,卻沒有方法生產,所以他接洽了 1 家信譽卓越的糖果製造商來生產。賀曼˙葛利茲糖果公司以生產美味且高品質的糖果著稱。藉由使用天然原料以及特殊的生產程序,葛利茲公司為糖豆注入了許多吸引人的口味。在 1976 年,第 1 代的 Jelly Belly 糖豆包含了 8 種口味。多年來它們大受好評,如今已正式推出 50 種口味。
  這些美味的糖豆絕對優於當時其他公司所製造的產品。然而,Jelly Belly 糖豆的成功不只是因為原料或生產程序。它的成功大部分要歸功於克萊以單一口味來行銷這些糖豆的點子,這在當時是前所未見的。這些糖豆還吸引了當時的加州州長隆納˙雷根的注意,他在 1981 年為了總統就職典禮,還將超過 3.5 噸的糖豆運至白宮。他也相信 Jelly Belly 糖豆幫助他戒除菸癮。這位前總統實在太喜歡 Jelly Belly 糖豆了,他甚至還在空軍一號上設置了 1 個特殊的托盤來擺放它們呢。

1. 根據本文,是誰懷抱了創造出驚人的全新糖豆的夢想?
(A) 隆納˙雷根。
(B) 賀曼˙葛利茲。
(C) 大衛˙克萊。
(D) 勞斯萊斯。
題解:根據文章第 2 段,Jelly Belly 糖豆的幕後推手是 1 位名叫大衛˙克萊的美國人,他想要創造出糖豆中的極品,可知應選 (C)。

2. 克萊成功的秘訣之一為何?
(A) 他想要自己生產糖豆。
(B) 他以單一口味販售糖豆,而非各式混合口味。
(C) 他說服美國總統當他的代言人。
(D) 他買下了賀曼˙葛利茲糖果公司。
題解:根據文章第 2 段,Jelly Belly 糖豆的成功不只是因為原料或生產程序。它的成功大部分要歸功於克萊以單一口味來行銷這些糖豆的點子,這在當時是前所未見的,由此可知,(B) 應為正選。

3. 隆納˙雷根在 1981 年做了何事?
(A) 辭去了美國總統職務。
(B) 接管了 1 家糖果公司成為主管。
(C) 投資了克萊的慈善機構。
(D) 為了宣誓就職的典禮訂購許多糖果。
題解:根據文章第 3 段,雷根在 1981 年為了總統就職典禮,還將超過 3.5 噸的糖豆運至白宮,故選 (D)。

4. 本文最後一段中的 "credited" 是什麼意思?
(A) 歸因於。
(B) 揮霍。
(C) 吃。
(D) 用在醫學用途。
題解:根據文章第 3 段,雷根相信 Jelly Belly 糖豆幫助他戒除菸癮,可知他將戒菸成功歸因於糖豆,故選 (A)。

答案:1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (A)


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