Americans are known for their strong patriotism. This pride in and love for their country is evident not only in their Fourth of July celebrations but also through their observance of Flag Day. _(1)_ While this special day is not actually afederal holiday, in Pennsylvania it is a state holiday. In view of the turbulent history of the United States, it's not surprising that a day has been set aside to honor the Stars and Stripes, a common nickname, along with Old Glory, for the American flag. Settlers in America thought certain taxes paid to England were unfair, so they started the Revolutionary War. _(2)_ However, it wasn't until 1949 that June 14 was designated as Flag Day by then President Harry Truman. Though Truman signed the legislation making it official, he was not credited with being the father of Flag Day. _(3)_ In the 1880s, Cigrand, who was a young schoolteacher at the time, launcheda one-man campaign to have an official Flag Day. _(4)_ President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that called for a nationwide observance of Flag Day. However, Cigrand didn't live to see the celebration of Flag Day. _(5)_ Today, Cigrand's legacy is evident in the fact that Americans show love for and pride in their national symbol every June 14.
(A) That distinction belongs to Bernard J. Cigrand. (B) For nearly a century, US citizens have celebrated June 14 as a time to fly their national flag and reflect on what it means to be Americans. (C) He died of a heart attack 17 years before Truman made it a permanent fixture in American society. (D) Decades later, in 1916, Cigrand's efforts began to come to fruition. (E) After battling to gain independence from Britain, the young nation adoptedthe first American flag on June 14, 1777.