Have you ever considered pursuing a college degree online? In the not-so-distant past, such degrees were perceived as inferior and commanded little respect from academics and employers alike. Now all that has changed and online education is one of the fastest growing global trends. The online student population is expanding by 30 percent per year, and approximately 86 percent of colleges and universities now offer online degree programs. Included among them are top tier American universities like Duke and NYU. Why has earning a degree primarily through the Internet become soappealing? There are several reasons. College graduates are less likely to beunemployed, even in today's economy, and their earning potential is much higher than that of non-college graduates. Another reason boils down to the flexibility of this approach. For the full-time employed, and those with families to care for,joining the ranks of the highly educated has become much more attainable. However, hard work is essential. Online students have to study and apply themselves the same as conventional classroom students. Course work isassigned online and is usually posted on websites, along with related articles. There are links for lectures and supplementary materials. Student papers aresubmitted by email and professors typically hold office hours via online chatting programs. The Internet seems the ideal medium for the convergence of all the latest learning tools. Tuition fees for online programs are comparable toclassroom-based ones, but being able to keep your day job and reduce transportation and parking costs will add up to real savings. If you're thinking about getting an online degree, be sure to do your homework. Research the institutions you are considering. Online degrees are well accepted as long as the chosen university is known and respected.
1. According to the article, which of the following is NOT a reason for the growth in popularity of online degree programs? (A) Online degrees have become more accepted recently. (B) College graduates everywhere face worse job prospects. (C) Online college degrees offer flexibility. (D) Online college degrees are relatively cheap. 2. How has online study made college education more attainable? (A) People with low incomes can now afford higher education. (B) It is due to increased availability of online degree programs. (C) Explosive economic growth has fueled the online study trend. (D) People lacking computer skills were previously unable to go to college. 3. Which of the following statements is true? (A) Online courses are less demanding than traditional classroom ones. (B) Reading assignments are first mailed to students in paper form. (C) Online classes make full use of available Internet tools. (D) Skype is used exclusively for watching lectures. 4. In comparing online study programs and classroom-based programs, which of the following statements is true? (A) Online study programs are more challenging because they require computerliteracy. (B) Classroom-based programs are easier because students can interact withthe professor and each other. (C) Classroom-based programs are more difficult because students are held to a higher standard. (D) Both types of programs are equal in terms of the level of difficulty.