You may have heard of alcohol and cigarette taxes, two common forms oftaxation used by governments around the world, but how about a soda tax? If youare unaware of it, you're definitely not French. _(1)_ By taking this action, the French government hopes to accomplish two things—increase tax revenues and decrease incidences of obesity. In terms of a money-making move, _(2)_ The tax increase comes at a time when the French government is examining ways to raise money and cut costs in order to retain its triple-A credit rating. _(3)_ Meanwhile, the tariff is also meant to help curb obesity although some people question if an extra o ne euro cent per can will really have that effect. The tax applies to drinks sold in France that contain added sugar. _(4)_ In response to the move, the Coca-Cola Company, which makes huge profits from selling sugary drinks, is vehemently opposed to the soda tax. _(5)_As a sign of its displeasure, Coca-Cola announced it was canceling a 17-million-euro investment it had planned for a plant in southern France. Whether France's decision will have further financial repercussions like this and whether or not the tax will help reduce the size of its citizens' waistlines still remain to be seen.
說明:請依文意在所提供的 (A) 到 (F) 6 個選項中,選出最適當的5 個選項。 (A) France needs to chop 100 billion euros from its spending in order to balancethe country's budget by 2016. (B) the soda tax is likely to cost the French government as much as 120 million euros per year. (C) As of January 1, 2012, French residents have had to pay one euro cent more for each can of sugary drink they buy. (D) the soda tax is expected to increase tax revenues by 120 million euros, which is the equivalent of NT$4.6 billion. (E) The soft drink maker claims that the tax unfairly stigmatizes it. (F) Diet and fruit drinks with no added sugar are not affected.