What happens when a loved one's voice is gone for good?

  For more than 40 years, Oswald Laurence's voice could be heard by tens of thousands of commuters across London's Tube daily. In a gentlemanly tone, what the message said was simple—mind the gap, please. To one woman, the voice meant a lot more, and her heart broke when it was phased out after being played for decades. 
  Margaret McCollum is Laurence's widow, and after her husband passed away in 2007, the one place she could go and still hear her beloved's voice was Embankment station on London's Northern Line. There, she would sit on the platform bench and listen to him say, "Mind the gap!" over and over. Hearing his voice allowed her to find comfort in his absence and remain close to him even though he was gone forever. A few months ago, though, a digitized voicereplaced the reassuring message from her late husband. McCollum wasdevastated and felt the only gap that needed minding now was the one in her life. She wrote letters to Transport for London, pleading with them to reinstate the iconic message.
  Her story eventually touched the heart of one kind soul at Transport for London. Soon, she not only received a recording of her husband's voice on a CD, but her husband's recorded warning was reinstated. The computerized voice was ditched, and Laurence's voice could once again be heard at Embankment station, with plans to expand the use of his voice even further. McCollum isdelighted that she can now continue to ride the train while being reminded of the love of her life. These small acts of kindness remind us that there are people out there who care.
1. What happened to the message that was played on London's Tube?
(A) It was put in a museum.
(B) People didn't like it.
(C) It was replaced.
(D) A woman asked them to stop playing it.
2. Why did McCollum sit on the platform listening to the message?
(A) She hoped it would remind her of the time she spent there with her husband.
(B) It was the only place that she was able to catch glimpses of9 her husband.
(C) It reminded her of her youth.
(D) It was the place where she could hear her dead husband's voice.
3. What sort of voice replaced Laurence's?
(A) A man's voice.
(B) A child's voice.
(C) A woman's voice.
(D) An electronic voice.
4. Why did Transport for London decide to bring the original messageback10?
(A) The woman's story moved them.
(B) The public demanded it.
(C) The woman paid them to do it.
(D) The woman wrote a letter to her relatives.

  1. commuter n. 通勤者
  2. tube n.(英國)地鐵
  3. gentlemanly a. 紳士般的
  4. widow n. 寡婦
  5. beloved a. 心愛的
  6. digitized a. 數位化的
  7. reassuring a. 令人欣慰的
  8. late a. 已故的
  9. reinstate vt. 使復原
  10. iconic a. 具代表性的,象徵性的
  11. computerized a. 電腦化的
  12. ditch vt. 丟棄;拋棄
  13. delighted a. 感到高興的

...and Laurence's voice could once again be heard at Embankment station, with plans to expand the use of his voice even further.
可用來修飾比較級形容詞或副詞的有下列副詞:even, far, much, a lot, a great deal, still。
Compared to that singer, my older sister is a much better performer.
The future of cloud computing promises even more customization options for businesses.

  1. for good  永久地
    = forever adv.
    John quit smoking for good in November.
  2. phase out...  逐漸淘汰……;逐步撤出……
    The cell phone company is phasing out last year's model.
  3. absence n. 缺席
    Miranda compensated for her colleague's absence by working twice as fast as usual.
  4. replace vt. 取代,替代
    replace A with B  以 B 取代 A
    The dentist replaced my bad tooth with an artificial one.
  5. devastated a. 傷心欲絕的
    Linda was devastated by the news of her husband's death.
  6. plead with sb to V  懇求某人(做)……
    plead vi. 訴求
    Tom pleaded with his girlfriend to forgive him.
  7. expand vt. 擴展,發展
    Peter is planning to expand his company after the new year.
  8. remind A of B  使 A 想起 B
    remind vt. 使想起
    That song reminds me of my childhood when I was living with my grandmother.
  9. catch a glimpse of...  瞥見……
    Stan caught a glimpse of his ex-girlfriend on the crowded street.
  10. bring...back / bring back...  恢復……
    The fashion industry has brought back high-waisted shorts.


  瑪格莉特‧麥克科崙是羅倫斯的遺孀,在她的丈夫於 2007 年逝世之後,她唯一能夠聽見自己愛人聲音的地方便是倫敦北線的堤岸車站。在那兒,她會坐在月臺的長椅上反覆地聆聽他說:『請小心月臺間隙』。聽著他的聲音能讓她在失去他的日子裡內心得到慰藉,且即使他永遠離開了,她仍然能與他緊緊相依。然而,幾個月前,數位聲音取代了她已故丈夫那安撫人心的留言。麥克科崙心痛至極,她覺得如今唯一需要留意的是在她人生中的空隙。她寫信給倫敦運輸局,懇求他們恢復播放那則具代表性的留言。

1. 之前在倫敦地鐵播放的留言發生了什麼事?
(A) 它被放置在一間博物館裡。
(B) 人們不喜歡它。
(C) 它遭到取代。
(D) 有位女士要求他們停止播放。
題解:根據本文第二段第四句,幾個月前,數位聲音取代了她已故丈夫那安撫人心的留言,故 (C) 項應為
2. 為何麥克科崙要坐在月臺上聆聽那則留言?
(A) 她希望那樣能讓她想起與丈夫在此共度的時光。
(B) 那是唯一讓她可以看丈夫一眼的地方。
(C) 那讓她憶起自己的青春歲月。
(D) 那是她可以聆聽亡夫聲音的地方。
題解:根據本文第二段第一句,在她的丈夫於 2007 年逝
世之後,麥克科崙唯一能夠聽見自己愛人聲音的地方便是倫敦北線的堤岸車站,故 (D) 項應為正選。
3. 羅倫斯的留言變成了何種形式的留言?
(A) 男子的聲音。
(B) 小孩的聲音。
(C) 女子的聲音。
(D) 電子化的聲音。
題解:根據本文第二段,數位聲音取代了她已故丈夫那安撫人心的留言,故 (D) 項應為正選。
4. 為何倫敦運輸局決定換回原本的留言?
(A) 那位女士的故事感動了他們。
(B) 因應大眾的要求。
(C) 那位女士付錢請他們這麼做。
(D) 那位女士寫了一封信給她的親戚。
題解:根據本文第三段第一句,她的故事最終感動了倫敦運輸局的一位善心人士。很快地,她丈夫錄下的留言也恢復使用,故 (A) 項應為正選。

答案:1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A


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