For years, we have been hearing about what we should and should not eat in order to maintain our health. Whether it is the latest fad diet or new foods to avoid, knowing what and how much we should be putting in our bodies can be downrightconfusing. One of the biggest controversies is over red meat, which has gotten a bad name in recent years. _(1)_ A team from the Barwon Psychiatric Research Unit at Deakin University in Australia has been looking at how the quantity of red meat in a woman's diet can affect the likelihood of her being depressed oranxious. _(2)_ The weekly suggestion is three to four lean palm-sized pieces of beef or lamb. _(3)_ More interesting findings were made during the study; specificallythe women's socioeconomic status, physical activity level, smoking, weight, and age did change the results of the study. _(4)_ The team warns those trying to follow healthy diets to pay close attention to the beef and lamb they buy. In Australia, cattle and sheep feed mostly on grass, which produces leaner meat with higher levels of nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids. _(5)_ Overall, women can try to eat red meat in moderation to keep themselves away from depression.
(A) What they found was that women who ate less than the weekly suggestedamount of red meat were twice as likely to experience depression and anxiety. (B) In other places like the US, however, cattle and sheep are kept on feedlots and are fed grain-based diets resulting in high levels of saturated fats and fewer healthy ones. (C) However, new studies are showing that red meat plays an important role in women's mental health. (D) Additionally, other protein sources such as pork, chicken, and fish had no effect on the women's mental health. (E) The study also went on to show that women who ate more than thisrecommended amount had large increases in depression and anxiety as well.