Movember is a month for men to put down their razors and raise some money for a good cause.
Movember 這個活動要男士們在 11 月放下刮鬍刀,為一個良善的目標募款。

  You might notice something unusual in November. Men who usually shavetheir faces start growing mustaches. Pretty soon, you might be seeing hairy lips everywhere. The month has become Movember, a combination of November and mustache. The idea for Movember started in 2003, when a group of Australian men came up with the idea of reviving an old fashion trend by having every guy in the world grow a mustache in November. The idea was just a joke, but since 2004, it has grown and is now used to raise money for men's health issues likeprostate cancer, testicular cancer, and depression. Movember has spread to Ireland, Canada, Spain, the UK, the US, and even Taiwan.
  You might wonder what the connection is between mustaches, November, and men's health. Actually, there's no obvious connection. However, if you've never grown a mustache before, people will inevitably ask you questions about it. When you answer, you can tell them about Movember and the men's health issues it promotes. Another reason to stop shaving is that the foundation that runs Movember events gives out a prize for the best mustache. Don't begin before November, though. The rules clearly state that you have to start out clean-shaven at the beginning of the month.
  Movember's popularity is constantly growing, and now famous sports teams and players are getting involved. A few years ago, some students in New Zealand ran into trouble when they tried to participate, and one of them was almost expelled for growing a mustache. Difficulties like that aren't enough to stop Movember. Gentlemen, it's time to grow your mustaches!

1. Over the years, what has happened to Movember?
(A) It has expanded worldwide.
(B) Females are now allowed to take part in the events.
(C) Not much money has been raised for the foundation.
(D) It has been cancelled because many people got into trouble for having mustaches.

2. What do you have to do to win the prize for the best mustache during Movember?
(A) Grow a mustache for a whole year.
(B) Raise the most money for the foundation.
(C) Shave at the beginning of November.
(D) Have the best sideburns.

3. According to the author, what is Movember all about?
(A) Looking handsome and winning a big prize.
(B) Having fun and raising money for a good cause.
(C) Creating awareness about men's fashion sense.
(D) Changing the way people think about mustaches.

  1. shave vt. 刮(鬍子);剃(毛髮)
    例: Sherry was running late and didn't have time to shave her legs before her date.
  2. come up with...  想出∕提出……
    例: John came up with a creative slogan to advertise the new product.
    (約翰想出 1 個有創意的標語來廣告新產品。)
  3. revive vt. 使重新流行;使復興
    例: The rapper tried to revive the trend of wearing big, gold necklaces.
  4. depression n. 憂鬱症;沮喪,消沉
    例: Treatments for depression have come a long way in the past 20 years.
    (過去 20 年來,關於憂鬱症的療法有很大的進步。)
  5. wonder + 疑問詞/if/whether 引導的名詞子句  納悶……,想知道……
    例: I wonder who left this money on the table.
  6. inevitably adv. 不可避免地
    例: The worker was careless and inevitably made many mistakes.
  7. promote vt. 宣傳;促銷
    例: That company is trying to promote a new kind of coffee.
    (那家公司正在推銷 1 種新的咖啡。)
  8. give out.../give...out  分發……;分送……
    例: Sarah helps give out food to homeless people of the shelter.
  9. start out  開始
    例: We started out small, but in less than a year, our company grew 10-fold.
    (我們剛開業時規模雖小,但不到 1 年,公司就成長了 10 倍。)
  10. constantly adv. 不斷地;經常
    例: Amy is constantly complaining about how little money she makes.
  11. involve vt. 參與;牽涉
    get involved (in...)  參與∕涉入(……)
    例: How did you get involved in politics?
  12. run into trouble  遇到麻煩
    get into trouble  惹上麻煩
    例: If you drive without a license, you'll run into trouble sooner or later.
    例: I got into trouble when Janet told the teacher about the jokes I made.
  13. participate vi. 參加,參與
    participate in...  參加∕參與……
    = take part in...
    例: George said he would participate in the play if he got the lead role.
  14. expel vt. 開除;驅逐
    例: Tom was expelled from school for cheating on his exams.
  15. expand vi. 擴張,擴展
    例: My uncle's company expanded overseas five years ago.
    (我叔叔的公司 5 年前拓展到海外市場。)
  16. awareness n. 察覺,體認
    raise awareness about/of...  喚起對於……的意識;使更進一步了解……
    例: The foundation was set up to raise awareness about breast cancer in Taiwan.
  1. lip n. 嘴唇
  2. mustache n.(上唇上面的)小鬍子
    beard n. 下巴及兩耳下方的鬍鬚
    grow a mustache/beard  留小鬍子∕留鬍鬚
  3. hairy a. 多毛的;毛茸茸的
  4. combination n. 結合
  5. trend n. 風潮;趨勢
  6. prostate a. 攝護腺的 & n. 攝護腺
  7. testicular a. 睪丸的
  8. connection n. 關聯,關係
  9. obvious a. 明顯的
  10. foundation n. 基金會
  11. clean-shaven a. 鬍子刮乾淨的
  12. popularity n. 流行,普及
  13. sideburns n. 鬢腳;連鬢鬍子
  14. cause n. 目標,理想


Movember──11 月蓄鬍有益健康?
Movember 這個活動要男士們在 11 月放下刮鬍刀,為一個良善的目標募款。
你可能注意到 11 月有些不尋常之處。通常會刮鬍子的男士開始蓄鬍。很快地,你可能到處都會看到蓄著鬍子的上唇。這個月份演變成 Movember,是由 11 月(November)和鬍子(mustache)2 個字結合而成。Movember 的概念始於 2003 年,當時一群澳洲男子提出這個點子,想藉由讓全世界每位男性在 11 月蓄鬍,來重新帶動一股復古時尚風潮。這個點子本來只是個玩笑,但自從 2004 年,它卻開始發展,現在更用來為攝護腺癌、睪丸癌、和憂鬱症等男性健康議題進行募款。Movember 活動已傳到愛爾蘭、加拿大、西班牙、英國、美國、甚至台灣。
你可能會覺得納悶,鬍子、11 月和男性健康 3 者有何關聯。事實上,它們之間並沒有明顯的關聯。然而,倘若你以前不曾蓄鬍,大家不免會問一下。你回答時,就可以告訴他們 Movember 與其宣揚的男性健康議題。另一個別刮鬍子的原因是,主辦 Movember 活動的基金會會頒獎給最有型的鬍子。不過千萬別在 11 月前開始蓄鬍。規則明訂 11 月一開始必須先將鬍子刮乾淨。
Movember 的人氣持續成長,現在知名的運動隊伍及運動員也開始加入這個行列。數年前,一些紐西蘭學生試圖參加此活動而遇上麻煩,其中 1 人還因為蓄鬍差一點被退學。諸如此類的困難並不足以阻擋 Movember 的發展。男士們,該是蓄鬍的時候了!

1. 過去幾年,Movember 活動歷經何事?
(A) 它擴展到全世界。
(B) 女性現在可以參加此活動。
(C) 該基金會並沒有募得太多錢。
(D) 由於許多人因蓄鬍而惹上麻煩,所以它已被取消。
題解: 根據文章第 1 段,Movember 活動已傳到愛爾蘭、加拿大、西班牙、英國、美國、甚至台灣,可知 (A) 應為正選。

2. 要怎麼做才能贏得 Movember 活動的最有型鬍子獎?
(A) 蓄鬍一整年。
(B) 為基金會募得最多錢。
(C) 11 月一開始先刮鬍子。
(D) 擁有最好看的落腮鬍。
題解: 根據文章第 2 段,想贏得基金會所頒發的獎項,別在 11 月前開始蓄鬍,因為活動規則明訂 11 月一開始必須先將鬍子刮乾淨,故選 (C)。

3. 根據作者,Movember 活動的訴求為何?
(A) 看起來很帥並贏得大獎。(並非活動的立意)
(B) 享受樂趣並為 1 個良善的目標募款。
(C) 建立對男性時尚品味的意識。
(D) 改變人們對於鬍子的看法。
題解: 綜觀全文,Movember 是利用蓄鬍為攝護腺癌、睪丸癌、和憂鬱症等男性健康議題進行募款,並且還有可能贏得獎項,可知 (B) 應為正選。

答案:1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (B)


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