1. As they turn the pages, the characters jump right out of the books to greet them, and they are utterly fascinated.理由: a. 空格所在的句子結構完整,可知空格內應置入副詞或副詞片語,修飾其後的介詞片語 out of the books(從書中)。 b. 符合上述的選項有 (F) right(恰恰、正好)和 (H) no doubt(無疑地),然僅 right 可置於表場所的副詞(如 here, there),或副詞片語(含介詞片語,如:above/behind/out of/in front of... + 地方)之前,為強調用法,故選 (F)。 例: Slow down! There is a police car right behind us. (開慢一點!我們正後方有 1 輛警車。)
2. These imaginative creations aren't just for kids.理由: a. 空格前有指示形容詞 These(這些),空格後有名詞 creations(創作品),可知空格內應置入形容詞。 b. 符合上述的選項有 (G) initial(開始的,最初的)和 (J) imaginative(運用∕富有想像力的),然僅 (J) 置入後符合語意,表這些『饒富想像力的』創作所訴求的對象不全然是兒童,故選之。 c. imaginative a.(文學作品)運用想像力創作的;(人)富有想像力的 例: Kathy is good at making up imaginative bedtime stories. (凱西擅長編造饒富想像力的枕邊故事。)
3. Pop-up books are designed so that parts of the two-page spread will spring out when you turn each page.理由: a. 空格前後均為結構完整的句子,可知空格應置入連接詞。 b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) until(直到……)和 (C) so that(以便……),然僅 (C) 置入後符合語意,故選之。 c. so that... 以便∕如此…… 例: Catherine left home early so that she would arrive at the airport on time. (凱薩琳早早出門以便準時到達機場。)
4. The effect is three-dimensional.理由: a. 空格前有定冠詞 The,空格後有 be 動詞 is,可知空格內應置入名詞,作主詞用。 b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) effect(結果;效果)、(D) revival(再流行)和 (G) initial(姓名或組織名稱等的首字母),然僅 (B) 置入後符合語意,故選之。 c. effect n. 結果;效果 例: Headaches are one of the side effects of this medicine. (頭痛是這種藥的副作用之一。)
5. Readers can move parts of the pop-out illustrations, lift flaps to uncover secret images, and...理由: a. 空格前有不定詞的 to,空格後有名詞詞組 secret images(暗藏的圖像),可知空格內應置入原形及物動詞。 b. 符合上述的選項有 (E) incorporate(使併入;使合併)、(G) initial(在……簽上姓名的首字母)和 (I) uncover(揭露;發現),然僅 (I) 置入後符合語意,表『揭開』暗藏的圖像,故選之。 c. uncover vt. 揭露;發現 例: Sherlock Holmes always uncovers the truth with logical reasoning. (福爾摩斯總能用邏輯推理揭露真相。)
6.The first known pop-up book was on astrology, which would no doubt make a fantastic subject for 3D illustrations.理由: a. 空格所在的子句句構完整,可知空格內應置入副詞或副詞片語修飾整句。 b. 選項中僅 (H) no doubt(無疑地)符合上述,且置入後符合語意,表占星術『無疑』是製作立體插圖的最佳題材,故選之。 c. no doubt 無疑地 = undoubtedly adv. = doubtlessly adv. = doubtless adv. 例: You'll no doubt win the prize since you're the best writer nominated. (你鐵定會得獎,因為你是最棒的入圍作家。)
7. The initial book was made by a writer and philosopher in 1306.理由: a. 空格前有定冠詞 The,空格後有名詞 book(書本),可知空格內應置入形容詞。 b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (G) initial(最初的,開始的),置入後亦符合語意,表『第 1 本』立體書是由 1 位作家兼哲學家於 1306 年所製作的,故選之。 c. initial a. 最初的,開始的;初期的 例: Construction of this park is still in its initial stages. (這座公園的建造還只在初步階段。)
8. It wasn't until the 1800s that pop-up books really started to take off, which is also when they started being made into children's books.理由: a. 本空格在測試以下固定用法: It is/was not until + 表時間的名詞∕子句 + that 子句 直到……才…… 例: It was not until 1783 that the United States gained independence from Britain. (美國一直到 1783 年才脫離英國獨立。) 例: It was not until Gina attended college that she started wearing her hair long. (吉娜直到上大學才開始留長髮。) b. 空格後有表時間的名詞 the 1800s(19 世紀)及 that 引導的子句,故根據上述,可知 (A) until 應為正選。
9. Pop-up books experienced a revival in the 1960s, when artists rediscovered the magic of older versions and used them for new subjects.理由: a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,可知空格內應置入單數形的可數名詞。 b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (D) revival(再流行),置入後亦符合語意,表立體書於 1960 年代『再度流行』,故選之。 c. revival n. 再流行;復興 例: There has been a recent revival in impressionism. (最近印象派又再度興起。)
10. The great thing about pop-up books is that anyone can learn how to make them and incorporate their own innovations.理由: a. 空格前有不定詞片語 to make them 和對等連接詞 and,空格後有名詞詞組 their own innovations(他們自己創作的東西),可知空格內應置入原形及物動詞。 b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (E) incorporate(使併入;使合併),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。 c. incorporate vt. 使併入;使合併 例: Amy tried to incorporate everyone's opinion into her final design. (愛咪設法把每個人的想法併入她最後的設計中。)