1. According to the mandate, all factories, office buildings, universities, and department stores had to cut their energy consumption by 15 percent during peak hours on the weekdays.理由: a. 表『以……的差距』時,介詞通常用 by,之後接數量詞。 例: We beat the opposing team by two points. (我們以 2 分之差贏了敵隊。) b. 根據上述,可知應選 (C)。
2. Citizens were also asked to help out by turning off energy-draining appliances.理由: a. (A) utensil n. 器皿,用具 kitchen utensils 廚房用具 (B) appliance n. 用具(尤指電器) electrical appliances 電器用品 例: When we moved, we bought all new electrical appliances. (搬家時,我們購入全新的電器設備。) (C) extension n. 延長;增設部分 (D) occupation n. 工作,職業 b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。
3.The reason for these energy rations arose from ..., which was shut down on account of the terrible earthquake and tsunami that happened on March 11, 2011.理由: a. (A) at the cost of... 以……為代價 例: Paul often drives fast at the cost of safety. (保羅經常不顧安全開快車。) (B) in regard to... 有關…… = with regard to... 例: In regard to the article you wrote, it wasn't very interesting. (關於你寫的那篇文章,並不太有趣。) (C) with a view to + V-ing = with an eye to + V-ing = in order to V 為了……(目的) 例: Ryan saved money with a view to going to Europe next year. (萊恩為了能在明年去歐洲而存錢。) (D) on account of... 由於…… 例: Daisy was promoted to manager on account of her hard work. (由於黛西的努力,她被升為經理。) b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。
4. To avoid being fined, some companies started moving their early morning shifts an hour ahead to ease the burden of air conditioning in the afternoon.理由: a. 本空格在測試表『目的』的副詞不定詞 "(in order) to V" 之用法。使用時可置於句首或句尾。置於句首時,其後須置逗點,若置於句尾時,則其前不須置逗點。 例: To keep fit, Kelly does yoga three times a week. = Kelly does yoga three times a week to keep fit. (為了保持身材,凱莉 1 個星期做 3 次瑜珈。) b. "On + V-ing, S + V" 表『一……就……』,On avoiding 置入空格後語意不合,故 (C) 不可選。 c. 根據上述,可知應選 (B) To avoid。
5. That way, everyone would go home earlier.理由: a. (A) That way, S + V 那樣∕如此一來,…… 例: I ride my bike to school. That way, I don't have to wait for the bus. (我騎腳踏車上學。如此一來,我就不必等公車了。) (B) for example 舉例來說 (C) by no means 絕不 * by no means 為否定副詞片語,故置於句首時,其後要採倒裝句構。 例: By no means is Denny as generous as he acts. (丹尼絕非像他表現的那麼慷慨。) (D) on the contrary 相反地 例: We thought it would rain last weekend. On the contrary, it was sunny. (我們原以為上週末會下雨,但相反地,卻陽光普照。) b. 根據語意,可知 (A) 應為正選。
6. Also, dress codes have changed as suits and long-sleeved shirts are beingreplaced with polo shirts so that workers are more comfortable.理由: a. (A) recover vt. 重新找回;使恢復 例: My friends helped me recover my lost contact lens. (我朋友幫我找回遺失的 1 隻隱形眼鏡。) (B) recall vt. 回想,回憶 例: You look familiar to me, but I don't recall ever meeting you before. (你看起來很眼熟,但我想不起來以前曾見過你。) (C) repair vt. 修理,修補 例: Kevin had his car repaired yesterday. (凱文昨天把車子送修。) (D) replace vt. 取代,替代 be replaced with... 被……取代 replace A with B 用 B 取代 A 例: Billy replaced his old desktop computer with a laptop. (比利把他的舊桌上型電腦換成筆電。) b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D),置入後表西裝和長袖襯衫被馬球衫『取代』,好讓員工覺得比較舒適。
7. All of these steps are working, and many people believe that Japan should continue these measures to help slow down global warming.理由: a. (A) drop by + 地方 順道造訪某地 = stop by + 地方 例: I'll drop by the hospital after work to check on you. (我下班後會順道去醫院探望你。) (B) put aside... 撇開……;把……放在一邊 例: We put aside our differences for the good of the whole team. (為了整個團隊的利益,我們把自身的歧見放在一邊。) (C) slow down.../slow...down 放慢……(速度) speed up.../speed...up 加快……(速度) 例: Please slow down your pace. I can't keep up with you. (請放慢你的腳步。我跟不上你。) (D) take apart.../take...apart 拆解…… put...together 把……組合起來 例: My brother took the robot apart in order to see how it worked. (我弟弟把機器人拆開來看它如何運作。) b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。