Like many humans, chimpanzees and bonobos react quite emotionally when they take risks that fail to pay off.
This is according to researchers from Duke University in the US, who designed two decision-making games - one to test patience and the other assessing risk-taking.
Some animals that lost the game - receiving a bland piece of cucumber rather than a preferred piece of banana - reacted with what looked like the ape equivalent of a tantrum.
The animals could choose between receiving a relatively small food reward immediately, or receiving a larger reward but having to wait for it.
Many of the apes became emotional when they had to wait or took a gamble that did not pay off.
The researchers also found differences in the way the two species responded to the games; chimps were more willing to take risks, and also more patient than bonobos.
"These differences might be reflected in differences in how the apes choose to forage in the wild," said Dr Rosati. Chimpanzees are more likely to engage in risky strategies like hunting.
tantrum:名詞,發脾氣。例句:Ignore her! She always throws a tantrum for no reason.(別理她!她總是亂發脾氣。)
bland:形容詞,溫和的;平淡無味的。例句:Not all vegetarian dishes are bland. (不是所有素食料理都很清淡。)
forage:動詞,翻找、搜尋食物。例句:A homeless man foraged garbage cans for something to eat.(一名流浪漢在垃圾桶裡找東西吃。)