Women may get a glow during pregnancy, but now it turns out that men feel they are more attractive as well - only after the baby has arrived.
In the first study of its kind, men said that their self image improved after the birth in what is being called a ‘hidden benefit’ of becoming a dad.
The scientists said that men could get the boost because they feel they are more masculine having just seen a mini version of themselves enter the world.
They could also get a kick out of women cooing over them as they walk around with their baby.
Women by contrast did not experience such a lift about their appearance - possibly because the physical demands of raising a child left them a shadow of what they used to be.
Lead researcher Alicia Cast, an associate professor the University of California-Santa Barbara, said:‘I was talking about this paper with my husband and he commented on the attention he got when he was seen in public holding our son after he was born. Like: "Aren’t you a good dad", "Look at that new dad with his baby"’.
masculine:形容詞,指男子的、男子氣概的。例句:He’s so masculine!(他真是男人中的男人。)
coo:動詞,指輕柔地低聲說話、鴿子發出的咕咕聲,如The visitors cooed over the newborn baby.(客人對著剛出生的寶寶輕聲低語。)
get a kick out of:片語,從某件事得到樂趣、感到愉快。例句:I get a kick out of you. ( 和你在一起感覺很愉快。)
資料來源 http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=690324&day=2013-06-22