The price of fame can be high with an international study finding that people who enjoy successful entertainment or sporting careers tend to die younger.
Researchers Richard Epstein and Catherine Epstein said the study, based on analysing 1,000 New York Times obituaries from 2009-2011, found film, music, stage performers and sports people died at an average age of 77.2 years.
This compared to an average lifespan of 78.5 years for creative workers, 81.7 for professionals and academics, and 83 years for people in business, military and political careers.
The Australian-based researchers said these earlier deaths could indicate that performers and sports stars took more risks in life, either to reach their goals or due to their success.
"Fame and achievement in performance-related careers may be earned at the cost of a shorter life expectancy," the researchers wrote in their study published in QJM: An International Journal of Medicine.
Britain’s most high-profile celebrity publicist, Max Clifford, said the pressure that celebrities and sports stars put on themselves to succeed had to play a part, and even at the top they were always worried about who could replace them. (Reuters)
academic:名詞,學者;大學教師。它的複數academics有兩個意思,一為「學者;教師」,另一為「學科;學術課程」。academic當形容詞用,意為「大學的,學院的;學術的的」。例句:This school is the largest academic institution in Taiwan.(這所學校是台灣最大的學術機構。)
high-profile︰形容詞,高知名度的、高調的、備受矚目的。例句 ︰The country has broken out a series of high-profile corruption cases.(這個國家爆發一連串眾所矚目的貪污案件。)