Herbal medicines in popular winter dishes promote health and vitality (2012/12/02)



寒冬時刻, 有許多民眾都很喜歡吃薑母鴨或者加了生薑熬煮的麻油雞湯。這些傳統冬令食補,最近更被國內西醫進一步證實,其中的生薑及當歸,能使小老鼠體內大腸菌株下降,顯示有促進免疫力的效果。

[[中醫師 陳潮宗]]


With the arrival of cold weather, many Taiwanese love to eat meals fortified with Chinese herbal medicine such as ginger and Chinese angelica. Now, western doctors in Taiwan have now shown that these herbal ingredients can reduce E.coli in mice and boost immunity to disease. 

In the winter, many people like to eat ginger duck or sesame oil chicken soup fortified with ginger. These popular winter meals have been recognized by western doctors in Taiwan who have found that the consumption of ginger and Chinese angelica can reduce the amount of E.coli bacteria in mice and boost immunity.

Chen Chao-Tsung
Chinese medicine practitioner
Ginger contains a special element which is especially good for those who have peptic ulcers or gastritis. It is especially good when paired with Chinese angelica, as we recommend consumption just once a week. 

While the benefits of consuming ginger and Chinese angelica are praised by both western doctors and Chinese medical practitioners, many are warned that consumption of just 10 grams is appropriate and overconsumption could have negative effects.



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