
Students say tone of fierce speech directed at education minister the norm in the legislature (2012/12/05)



清大學生罵教育部長蔣偉寧的風波, 燒到前天痛批清大學生行為失當的立法院副院長洪秀柱。


[[立法院副院長 洪秀柱]]
“我不介意啊,任何一件事情,都可以接受檢驗的,最重要就是當時為什麼會發這個脾氣、講這個話,有什麼原因呢? 如大家願意去深究會更好”


[[民進黨立院黨團總召 柯建銘]]

[[立法院長 王金平]]


A student’s brash attitude toward Education Minister Chiang Wei-ling has sparked heated debate. After pundits and politicians bashed student representative Chen Wei-ting陳為廷for his sharp criticism of an elder, other students shot back. They said Chen’s tone was no different than speech normally heard in the lawmaking body.

Criticism from a National Tsing Hua University student leveled at Education Minister Chiang Wei-ling continues to spark discussion. Legislative Deputy Speaker Hung Shiu-chu spearheaded some of the criticism. But now she is being targeted for her own attitude in the legislature.

A video shows Hung Shiu-chu as a legislator when she frequently criticized government officials. Students say they are doing nothing different.

Hung Shiu-chu
Legislative Deputy Speaker 
I don’t mind. Anything can be discussed. The most important thing is at that time, why is the person so upset and what caused those words. If it inspires people to pay more attention then it’s good.

Another person who had commented on the student’s attitude was Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pying. His discussion of legislative protocol sparked a reaction from the opposition.

Ker Chien–ming
DPP Legislative Caucus Whip 
Why does this particular case lead you to think it’s such a big problem? Last time during the Yu Chang case, Chou Yu-ko was invited to speak. How does the KMT explain this? These regulations were adopted to help political activity progress, not suppress it.

Wang Jin-pyng 
Legislative Speaker 
Of course we don’t want to limit the rights of legislators, but we should also have a system in place.

The student’s attitude toward the education minister sparked a great deal of criticism. Also in the hot seat was the education minister himself, whose reaction to student protests elicited memories of the White Terror from some quarters. Today Chiang offered an apology for making people feel this way. He also said he understands how built up emotion may have sparked an outburst and said he looks forward to more dialogue in the future.



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