Profiteers cash in on news of royal baby (2012/12/05)
懷孕不到12週的英國的凱特王妃,對於這個未出世的寶寶, 已經有英國賭盤,開始要下注,開賭的範圍非常廣,從凱特是否自然生、肚子裡是幾個寶寶,寶寶是男是女等,當然最夯的就是寶寶的大名。
“目前看到都是很傳統的名字,威廉和凱特算是很傳統的人,所以看目前的賭盤 喬治 維多莉亞 伊莉莎白 這類的,或者皇家常用的名字都被看好,賠率大概是1賠10或12”
而且還有業者把這個腦筋洞到聖誕商品上,義大利拿坡里這條街,每到耶誕季,遊客都會來購買陶土人偶,結果王妃懷孕的消息曝光沒幾小時,馬槽的聖嬰立刻成為威廉王子扶著穿著白紗的大肚凱特! 業者趕搭懷孕消息手腳之快,固然讓人不得不佩服。
The world is gaga over the recently announced British royal baby. Among those most excited are entrepreneurs – including the bookies taking bets on the baby’s name and craftsman churning out statues of baby bump Kate.
The news was just announced and Kate is fewer than 12 weeks present. But bookies are already busy. They are taking bets on a variety of pregnancy possibilities, such as: Will Kate have a natural birth? How many babies is she pregnant with? Is it a boy or girl? Most popular of all – what will the child’s name be?
UK Gambling Company Spokesman
What we’re seeing is very traditional names are being chosen. I think they’re very traditional people. So if you look down the betting, there’s George, Victoria, Elizabeth, those type of royal names are going down real well. They’re all 10: 1 or 12:1.
Retailers are also busy, as can be seen on this Italian street known for selling Christmas statutes. Mangers are usually most popular this time of year, but following the pregnancy announcement William and Kate took center stage. This post-millennial baby has yet to be born, but it’s already at the center of a business empire.