Premier, ruling party lawmakers at odds over pension bonus reform (2012/12/04)




[[行政院副院長 江宜樺]]


[[國防部長 高華柱(12.3)]]


[[立委(國) 吳育仁]]


In the legislature today Premier Sean Chen said he is fully committed to reforming the pension system for civil servants. This despite opposition from many ruling party lawmakers and some cabinet members, who fear losing the support of a bloc of voters that typically leans KMT. 

Today Premier Sean Chen appeared at the Industrial Sustainable Excellence Awards. But another issue was on people’s minds: year-end pension bonuses for retired civil servants. Unusually, the premier’s proposal is opposed by some members of the ruling legislative caucus and supported by members of the opposition. Many in the KMT want a new deal.

Jiang Yi-hua
Deputy Premier
Ever since Premier Chen made his announcement, his position has not changed.

Among the biggest detractors is the defense minister. 

Kao Hua-chu (Dec. 3)
Defense Minister
I need to maintain the respect of soldiers serving today. They are tomorrow’s retired soldiers.

KMT lawmakers have another concern: votes. They have offered numerous counter-proposals to the premier’s plan. 

Wu Yu-sheng
KMT Legislator
During this process, there needs to be a response to the voice of civil servants.

Cancelling costly year-end bonuses for civil servants could cost the KMT votes in future elections. How negotiations play out will show how committed the ruling party is to reform.



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