Chinese Music Chart Awards elicit controversy as event planned for Taipei (2012/12/02)
在中國廣受歡迎的中國歌曲排行榜,主辦單位上週四在北京宣佈,這個月二十九日,要到台北舉行頒獎典禮,但主管機關卻是四號,也就是週二才要舉行聯審會審查,再加上獎分為[內地]跟[港台] ,綠營立委質疑矮化,要求駁回申請。
“台北小巨蛋 將是第20屆中歌榜 頒獎典禮的舉辦地點”
[[立委(台聯) 許忠信]]
[[陸委會主委 王郁琦(2012.12.1)]]
[[移民署署長 謝立功(2012.12.1)]]
Organizers of the Chinese Music Chart Awards announced their decision to hold the event in Taipei last Thursday. News of the awards ceremony irked pan-green legislators who threaten to cancel the application. They are upset as Taiwan artists are included along with Hong Kong and Macau as part of China.
The 20th Chinese Music Chart Awards announced that this year’s event will be held at the Taipei Arena. The announcement sparked a fair bit of controversy as most of the awards have two categories, China and “interior” regions such as Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Hsu Chung-hsin
TSU Legislato
If your interior region in brings Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao together, this treats Taiwan like Hong Kong and Macao, and we believe we must reject this ceremony this year.
Facing intense questioning, organizers say it will call on relevant government ministries to host a meeting to decide the fate of this awards ceremony.
Wang Yu-chi
Mainland Affairs Council Chairman
The review procedures are still underway, so we will pay attention to these related issues.
Hsieh Li-Kung
National Immigration Director
We will make an appropriate response, including a number of conditions to gain approval. We may ask the organizers to make undertake advance details and precautions as there has been no final determination yet.
Authorities say they are reviewing the application but organizers are still confident the event will go on as announced barring any major problems.