
University apologizes for student’s actions in the legislature (2012/12/04)


立法院昨天上演學生罵教育部長的戲碼,清大學生陳為廷當場要部長為關切學生參與社運道歉,並且痛批蔣偉寧偽善、不配當部長,這樣的言論引起討論,清大也代替學生道歉。這也讓許多人質疑, 社會人士是否可以上台備詢。

[[學生代表 陳為廷(12.3)]] 
“部長,我認為你是一個滿口謊言、偽善的部長, 我認為你沒有資格做我們的部長,你向我們道歉”

前一天的立法院教育委員會,參與抗議壹傳媒併案的清大學生陳為廷,在備詢台上, 痛罵並要求台下的教育部長蔣偉寧, 為了關切參與社運抗議學生的事道歉。


[[立委(國) 羅淑蕾]]
“教育的倫理, 都弄亂掉了,以後你叫部長怎麼面對學生”


[[清大副校長 葉銘泉]]

而對於學生代表,直接登上立院委員會的台上,到底有沒有法源依據? 立法院長王金平引用立法院職權行使法第56條表示,一般只有公聽會,才會讓社會人士備詢。而陳為廷的的確確是站在備詢台上,非質詢台。

National Tsing Hua University has apologized on behalf of a student who sharply criticized the education minister. Yesterday the student called the minister a liar and hypocrite. But even greater attention was placed on where the student made the comments: in the legislature, on a platform reserved for government officials to answer questions. 

Chen Wei-ting
Student Representative 
Minister, I think you are full of lies, a hypocrite and not qualified to be a minister. Apologize to us.

On Monday, Education Minister Chen Wei-ling was called before a legislative committee. He was there to answer questions after his ministry took an unusually high level of interest in student protests over a media sale. He heard those sharp words from student representative Chen Wei-ting. While making his comments, Chen stood on a platform reserved for government officials answering questions.

After demanding the apology, Chen refused to listen to the minister’s response. Another student sat on a table by the minister. Lawmakers were displeased.

Lo Shu-lei
KMT Legislator
Ethics teaching is a mess. How can the minister face students in the future?

Later Chen went on Facebook to say he did nothing wrong. But his school, National Tsing Hua University, offered an open apology on his behalf.

Yip Ming-chuen
Tsing Hua University VP
Rational speech is not like this. We can’t accept such abusive comments or the tone.

Some wondered if the student broke protocol. Speaker Wang Jin-pyng referred to the Legislative Enforcement Act by saying private citizens can only use the platform reserved for government officials during public hearings. Wang said there’s another platform reserved for questioning.



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