
British royal family confirms new heir (2012/12/04)



英國皇室宣布, 凱特王妃有喜近12週了!會這麼早就主動宣佈,實在是因為凱特害喜嚴重孕吐,送進倫敦醫院治療。威廉王子這兩天全程陪伴,結果被狗仔盯上,王室只好被迫公佈喜訊。

凱特的孩子, 將會成為皇室的第三順位繼承人。但如果生的是女孩, 根據去年的皇室繼承法規, 不管這女孩有無其他兄弟, 她都將會破先例成為未來的繼承者。


[[英國首相 卡麥隆]] 
“我很替他們開心 相信他們會是一對很棒的父母 全英國上下今晚也會一同慶祝” 


At long last, the British royal family announced a bit of good news to the public. Following last year’s wedding to Prince William, Princess Kate is pregnant with child. It will be third in line to the throne. 

The British royal family announced that Princess Kate is nearly 12 weeks pregnant. The announcement came a bit early when she was recently admitted to a London area hospital for acute morning sickness. Prince William has accompanied her for the past two days. The crowd of paparazzi has been intense as everyone awaited confirmation.

The child will be third in line to the throne. And if Kate has a girl, based on a Commonwealth agreement last year she will take precedent over any younger male siblings that may come in the future. All that needs to happen is for parliaments to amend relevant laws.

British Prime Minister David Cameron was one of the first to congratulate the royal family after hearing the good news.

David Cameron
British Prime Minister
Delighted for them, I am sure they will make absolutely brilliant parents, and I am sure that everyone around the country will be celebrating with them tonight. 

The royal announcement inevitably set off brisk business with UK bookies, who were eager to take bets on both the sex of the baby, as well as the future name of the child. Frontrunners included Frances, John, Charles and Diana.



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