Indie bands struggle as government cracks down on live houses(Part Two) (2012/12/02)
[[1976樂團主唱 阿凱]]
“年輕人,我寫了十首歌,我要去表演,你永遠要有個地方 ,對我來說永遠會需要一個地下社會 “
音樂為主佐以飲料, 其實這樣的Livehouse文化存在已久 ,但早期各縣市商業處營業登記項目中, 並無「Livehouse」 因此店家多登記為飲食店, 直到2005年 商業處稽查認為 Livehouse從事現場音樂表演 ,不符合飲食店登記而開罰 ,協調後商業處在登記項目中 ,增加了「音樂展演空間業」, 讓Livehouse暫時度過難關 ,但 現在問題又來了,在於酒類產品的販賣。
[[台北市商業處科長 游翔瑋]]
“那是事實上它那個空間是我們認定上是做一個飲酒店的業務, 也就是說消費者有一個酒類消費行為之外, 它其實在店內做一個飲酒的動作, 所以我們認定上面是做飲酒店業”
[[地下社會發言人 何東洪]]
“如果說我們是非法的話 ,過去15年都是非法(飲酒店非飲食店) ,這個責任誰要來負 ?不能只是要求業者說我們法規在這邊, 你們今天抓到是你們違法, 或者是說我來的時候 ,你們剛好是在賣酒”
賣酒在法規上究竟出了什麼問題? 以台北市這家livehouse為例, 1996年依規定販賣「冷熱飲食及果汁咖啡菸酒」 登記為「飲食店」, 不過商業處稽查時發現現場主要消費的全是酒精飲品, 判定它為「飲酒店」, 但業者認為這裡主要消費是”音樂” ,見解不同, 最後商業處仍維持「飲酒店」的判定, 導致它立刻違反建築管理與消防法 。
[[建築管理工程處副總工程司 邱英哲]]
“這裡用途叫做防空避難室兼飲食店, 在民國86年以後, 你就只能作防空避難室兼飲食店 ,你不可以把飲食店變更為更高強度的用途”
Livehouse在法律上面臨生存的挑戰 ,影響所及卻是獨立樂團的成長空間 ,還有台灣音樂多樣化的可能性。而Livehouse也可以是城市特色 、帶動觀光市場 ,這一點 文化部也意識到了。
[[文化部影視及流行音樂司長 張崇仁]]
“我們去做產業的調查, 去做活化這個空間, 同時要打造新的流行音樂中心, 北高兩邊各有一個 ,流行音樂界人士參與的很多,他們也希望每個流行獨立樂團都到大舞台上去表演 ,對不對? 所以我們在各種不同規模上面 ,我們都會去考慮, 都會協助他們”
曾經一個小小擁擠的空間, 簡陋的音響、 陽春的燈光,卻給了五月天站上大舞台的信心與經驗。獨立樂團要的不多,只是一個小小的舞台,懂得他們知音, 那麼他們的音樂就能傳唱下去。
1976 Vocalist
When I was young I wrote a dozen songs and wanted to perform them. You are always looking for a venue, and I believe there will always be a need for the Underworld.
Live houses often focus on music and drinks are secondary. But early on there was no formal live house business registration. Many of these venues were simply registered as restaurants. But in 2005, government inspectors deemed that live houses couldn’t operate under a restaurant license and they soon started issuing fines. Later an amendment was made allowing for music and performance spaces, but then another problem arose. These venues were not allowed to sell alcohol.
Yu Hsiang-wei
Taipei Office of Commerce Director
We have identified this space as a type of pub. Customers buy alcohol and then consume it. We consider that to be a pub.
He Tung-hong
Underground Spokesman
If we are illegal, then over the past 15 years we have been illegal. Who will assume this responsibility? You can’t just tell businesses that we’re the law and we caught you doing something illegal, or that when we came along we happened to see you sell liquor.
Why this prohibition against liquor sales? This live house in Taipei, for example, registered in 1996 as a restaurant and received a license to sell hot and cold drinks, coffee, alcohol and tobacco. Government inspectors found the business to be mainly a pub, but the proprietor claims customers mostly came for the music. In the end, the inspectors had final say. It was deemed a pub and therefore found to be in violation of building regulations and the fire code.
Chiu Ying-jer
Taipei Construction Management Office
This was zoned as an air raid shelter and a restaurant. After 1997, you couldn’t begin using it for other purposes.
As live houses face increasing legal challenges, the future growth of indie bands is being affected. It could potentially limit Taiwan's musical diversity. Live houses are also an important part of the city's character and bring in tourism. The Ministry of Culture has taken notice.
Chang Chung-jen
Ministry of Culture
We surveyed the industry. Our plan is to bring new life to these spaces and develop pop music centers, one in Taipei and one in Kaohsiung. Many pop performers have joined. They are eager to improve themselves by playing in facilities that can seat 3,000 to 5,000. They hope that all popular, independent groups can play on a large stage, and we’re looking for different ways to assist them.
In the end, indie bands may not need or even want these larger stages. Mayday gained confidence to step on a larger stage after playing in small venues with simple sound and lighting. Without these beloved live houses, it will be very difficult to nurture the next generation of Taiwanese musicians.