所謂的”livehouse” 是最願意給新生代樂團 表演機會的展演空間 許多如今大放異彩的樂團和歌手 都是在這樣的表演空間茁壯的 只不過 在現行法令規定下 livehouse卻都面臨了鉅額罰單 高稅率以及違規停業等等威脅 眼看一個個表演空間即將消失 獨立音樂 該如何繼續發聲 他們的想法跟創意 又該怎麼傳唱下去呢?
“SO BAND” 這個團體你可能沒聽過, 但1997年改名後的他們, 你一定聽過。“五月天” -一個願意在炸雞店開幕演唱的獨立團體, 曾經他們的唱酬只有現場的免費炸雞,靠著珍惜每次的表演機會 ,五月天靠音樂與理想打下一片天,現在世界知道台灣有個五月天,只是台灣下一個能紅的獨立樂團又該從哪裡起步呢?
音樂劃破了這炎熱的夏日午後,熱愛Funky Music的獨立樂團”放客兄弟”在台上熱情唱歌, 但台下的觀眾卻是年過半百的阿公阿嬤。走唱五年的放客兄弟,早已適應台下冷清的反應。
[[放客兄弟主唱 Airy(劉怡伶)]]
沒表演當然也沒有收入,不在舞台時全團十人每個人都有各自的工作, 因為靠玩樂團過活是絕對不可能。
不同於主流, 獨立樂團更強調 「獨立創作音樂」的自由, 也因此知音難覓 舞台難尋 ,由企業官方舉辦的活動並不多,獨立樂團 只有一個地方可以去,那就是Livehouse。
[[Go Chic貝斯手 Sarah 溫一珊]]
“這個地方你可以很近距離的跟你的偶像接觸, 你可以看到他汗流下來之類”
成團將滿五年的”Go Chic”,曲風以混合電子龐克 藍調搖滾闖出名號, 她們幾乎跑遍全台 大大小小Livehouse, 對於樂團 , Livehouse是個實驗多元的音樂風格的地方, 究竟可以跟聽眾 產生什麼樣的化學變化 ?
[[Go Chic主唱 Ariel 鄭思齊]]
"一定要從這種地方開始, 而且有時候我們表演, 其實也不是為了賺錢 ,我們只是想要聚在一起, 有個地方可以聊天、 聊音樂、 聽音樂”
2012年7月9號,不能忍受「地下社會」面臨歇業,這個曾是五月天、 蘇打綠 、董事長樂團 、 1976、發跡的Livehouse, 獨立音樂界近400人站出來 捍衛獨立樂團 和音樂展演空間的生存權。
Taiwan live houses were once a fertile breeding ground for musicians and performing artists. These small, simple locations gave up-and-coming musicians the chance to refine their craft. But new zoning regulations could soon mean the end of these venues. Musicians and fans worry it will also spell the end of Taiwan’s independent music scene.
Few have heard of the SO Band, but after this group changed its name in 1997 to Mayday, it became wildly popular. Once upon a time, these musicians played at restaurant openings, performing for fried chicken as their payment. They treasured every opportunity to perform. Now, they are known internationally and one of Taiwan’s most popular bands. Still, they needed to start somewhere.
On a hot summer afternoon, this local indie band Funky Brothers performs with an incredible amount of passion and energy on stage. But the audience is a little dreary. It is filled with older people who have a more reserved response to their music. After playing for five years, Funky Brothers says they have learned to live with such a reaction.
Airy Liu
Funky Brothers Vocalist
Honestly I am still a little afraid of being watched, but when you are on stage, this is your one opportunity to connect with the crowd. I really want to interact with these people whom I rarely have a chance to communicate with, and I think that music can make this connection.
Without performing they can’t earn any money. And these 10 musicians still have to rely on day jobs because it’s hard for them to survive simply playing music.
The indie music scene is different from mainstream music. There’s greater emphasis on freedom and creativity, but it’s hard to find locations to perform. There are few concert festivals, meaning live houses are the only refuge for these bands.
Sarah Wen
Go Chic Bassist
In these places you can come into contact with your favorite musicians. You can even see them sweat.
Formed five years ago, Go Chic plays an eclectic mix that includes electronic music with punk, blues and rock. The band’s music has also been influenced by Taiwan’s diverse live house environment.
Ariel Cheng
Go Chic Vocalist
Bands need to start in this type of environment. And sometimes when we play, it’s not to make money. We just want to get together in a place where we can chat and listen to music.
On July 9, nearly 400 people banded together to oppose the closure of the local live house the Underworld. This was where bands like Mayday, Soda Green, the Chairman and 1976 got their start.