Sao Paulo: A Latin American Giant
It may lack the beautiful natural backdrop of Rio, but Sao Paulo is undoubtedly the cultural and economic heart of Brazil. Although it was founded by proselytizing Jesuits in 1554, Sampa — as it's affectionately known — remained an isolated backwater until the 19th century. Now the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere, Sao Paulo is a powerhouse in Latin America, with an economy roughly the size of New Zealand.
The state of Sao Paulo accounts for about a third of Brazil's GDP, much of this coming in the form of a formidable2 service sector. Major corporations have set up shop here, and the city's stock exchange is one of the world's largest. The International Congress and Convention Association rates the city as the most important event host in the Americas, with more than 200 events held daily. Sao Paulo's industrial output is similarly huge. Around 10 percent of the population works in one of the city's thousands of factories, producing everything from textiles and electronics to pharmaceutical products and furniture.
Because of its elevation, Sao Paulo enjoys a temperate climate. However, the weather can change at the drop of a hat, and locals observe that you can experience all four seasons in a day. Frequent showers have earned the city the nickname Cidade da Garoa — the City of Drizzle.
聖保羅州貢獻巴西約三分之一的國內生產毛額,其中大部分來自巨大的服務業。許多大企業都在此設立據點,城裡的證券交易所也是全球數一數二大的。國際會議協會將這座城市評為美洲最重要的活動主辦地,每天舉行的活動超過兩百場。聖保羅的工業產出也同樣龐大。約有 10% 的人口在這座城市的數千家工廠裡工作,製造各式各樣的物品,包括紡織品與電子產品乃至藥品與家具。