Taiwanese Cuisine:Simple, Yet Lip-smackinglyh Delicious
BACK in 2011, CNN drew the scorn of Taiwanese netizens with a series of articles that appeared to rag on Taiwanese culinaryculture. First there was a piece ranking Taipei as the most gluttonous city in Asia. Then came a list of the world’s most revolting foods, which featured a local specialty — century eggs. Finally, the icing on the cake was a rating of the world’s top tastes that had the temerity not to include even one Taiwanese dish. Well, it did. But insult was added to injury when stinky tofu was listed as a Southeast Asian snack.
Although night markets are a great place to start for a slice of authentic local cuisine, there's a lot more to Taiwan than roadside stalls. Beef noodles, for example, are treated as a fine art, with top-end, gourmetbowls costing up to NT$10,000 a pop. If you're looking for killer Xiaolongbao, Din Tai Fung is the place. The restaurant chain has earned Michelin stars and now runs branches in 10 countries. Perhaps the best thing about many Taiwanese staples,though, is their simplicity. It often seems like there is nothing to dishes such as sesame noodles, fatty braised-pork rice and egg-drop soup, but therein lies their charm. Find yourself away from Taiwan for any period of time, and you’ll soon be pining for these tasty, addictive comfort foods.
早在二○一一年時,CNN 就以一系列看似戲謔台灣飲食文 化的文章引來台灣網民的奚落。首先是一篇將台北評為亞洲最 貪吃城市的文章。再來是全球最噁心食物的名單,其中特別介 紹一樣當地特產──皮蛋。最後錦上添花的是世界頂級美味的 評鑑,竟膽敢不囊括任何一項台灣菜。嗯,其實是有的。但更 糟的是臭豆腐被列為東南亞的點心。
雖然夜市是一嚐真正道地美食的絕佳所在,台灣的佳餚在 路邊攤之外還有更多。舉例來說,牛肉麵就被視為藝術,頂尖 美食家等級的一碗要價可高達新台幣一萬元。如果你在找驚豔 級的小籠包,鼎泰豐是個好地方。這家連鎖餐廳已贏得米其林 星星,現在在十個國家開了分店。或許有關諸多台灣主食最好 的地方就在於其簡單性。麻醬麵、滷肉飯和蛋花湯等菜餚可能 常讓人覺得沒什麼特別,但它們的魅力潛藏其中。當你離開台 灣一陣子時,你很快就會渴望這些美味誘人的心靈美食。