Exit Strategy?
WHEN Deng Xiaoping began opening China up to free-market economics and foreign trade in the 1980s, foreign companies were quick to take advantage of the opportunities that the PRC offered. The establishment of Special Economic Zones, beginning with Shenzhen in 1980, was the first of several incentives to demonstrate that China was now open for business. It all boded well for the future.
In many ways, much of that promise has been realized. From 2000-2010, around 20 percent of all foreign direct investment (FDI) was in China, accounting for roughly 2.5 percent of the country's GDP from 2005-2010. During the same period, foreign-invested enterprises were responsible for more than half of PRC imports and exports. As of 2010, they provided a third of China's industrial output and over a fifth of its industrial profits while employing just 10 percent of its workforce –– a demonstration of their high productivity.
However, if this rosy picture has led some investors to view China as a land of milk and honey, there has been a wake-up call in recent years. Indeed, some foreign firms are starting to feel that the China dream is not all it is cracked up to be.
從許多方面來看,當初的承諾大多都已實現。從二○○○年至二○一○年,全球的外商直接投資有 20% 都在中國,在該國二○○五年至二○一○年的國內生產毛額中約佔 2.5%。同時期,外資企業掌握中國半數以上的進出口業務。在二○一○年,外資企業提供了中國三分之一的工業產值以及超過五分之一的產業利潤,然而僅僱用全中國 10% 的勞動力,可見其生產力之高。
資料來源:biz 互動英語