
7歲「小莫內」畫作 半小時賣得15萬鎊

His paintings fetch thousands and attract buyers from all over the world.

But while his watercolours, pastels and oil paintings hint at a talent honed through decades of practice Kieron Williamson is barely half-way through primary school.

The seven-year-old prodigy sold his latest collection of paintings for £150,000 at the weekend, with all 33 works sold within just half-an-hour.

The astonishing sale attracted buyers from as far as Arizona, New York and South Africa, with others bidding by telephone from around the world in the hope of securing an original.

One couple from Philadelphia camped for two days outside the gallery in Kieron’s home town of Holt, Norfolk, to make sure they did not miss out when the third exhibition of his work opened on Friday morning.

 全通翻譯轉自 (Daily Mail)

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