1. As a matter of fact, some surfers aren't even humans at all since they stand on four legs. 理由: a. 本空格測試下列固定用法: not...at all 一點也不…… 例: Paula's teenage sons do not listen to anything she says at all. (寶拉那些正值青春期的兒子一點也不聽她的話。) b. 根據上述,故選 (D)。
2. In the fifth annual Loews Coronado Bay Resort Surf Dog Competition last May, more than 65 dogs participated. 理由: a. 空格前有主詞 65 dogs(65 隻狗),且根據本句時態,可知空格內應置入不及物動詞的過去式。 b. 符合上述的選項有 (F) participated(參加)和 (G) developed(發展),然僅 participated 置入後符合語意,表在第五屆洛斯‧科羅納多灣渡假勝地犬類衝浪大賽,有超過 65 隻狗『參加』,故選 (F)。 c. participate vi. 參加,參與 participate in... 參加∕參與…… 例: Hank participated in the Ironman Triathlon but did not finish. (漢克參加鐵人三項,但中途退賽。)
3. People come from far and wide to see the crazy canines hang ten or ride tubes. 理由: a. 空格前有不及物動詞 come(來),空格後有不定詞 to,可知空格內應置入副詞來修飾 come。 b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) overall(大體上)和 (J) from far and wide(來自各地),然僅 from far and wide 置入後符合語意,come from far and wide 表『從世界各地前來』,故選 (J)。 c. from far and wide 來自各地∕四面八方 例: Teachers from far and wide attended the seminar on cultural education. (來自各地的教師參加了這場文化教育座談會。)
4. Bruce Hooker said his dog, Buddy, is passionate about surfing and sees it as a game. 理由: a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is,空格後有介詞 about,可知空格內應置入形容詞或分詞。 b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) overall(整體的)、(E) passionate(熱愛的)、(G) developed(發達的、先進的)、(H) saying(正在說),以及 (I) springing(正在跳躍;正突然出現),然僅 passionate 置入後符合語意、用法,故選 (E)。 c. passionate a. 熱愛的;熱情的 be passionate about... 熱愛……,對……熱衷 例: Joseph has been passionate about mountain climbing since high school. (喬瑟夫自中學時期就一直對爬山很熱衷。)
5. Buddy has been riding the waves for 10 years now and has developed into an expert surf dog. 理由: a. 空格前有完成式助動詞 has,之後有介詞 into,可知空格內應置入不及物動詞的過去分詞。 b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (G) developed(發展),置入後亦符合語意,表巴弟已經有 10 年衝浪經驗,現在也已『成為』一隻衝浪犬專家,故選之。 c. develop into... 發展成…… 例: Jimmy's small itch soon developed into a rash over his entire body. (吉米皮膚輕微發癢,結果很快就變成全身起紅疹。)
6. Last year, Buddy came in first in its weight class to the delight of its owner. 理由: a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,空格後有介詞詞組 of its owner(牠主人的),可知空格內應置入名詞或動名詞。 b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) delight(欣喜、愉快)、(C) role(角色)、(H) saying(俗話、諺語)和 (I) springing(跳躍;突然出現),然僅 delight 置入後符合語意,並形成下列固定用法: to the delight of sb 令某人喜悅∕高興的是 = to one's delight 例: To the delight of her parents, Kathy usually performs well on tests. (令凱西父母高興的是,她的考試成績通常很好。) c. 根據上述,故選 (B)。
7. Judges base their scores on three factors—the dog's confidence level, the length of the ride, and the dog's overall surfing ability. 理由: a. 空格前有所有格 the dog's(狗的),空格後有名詞詞組 surfing ability(衝浪能力),可知空格內置入形容詞或可作形容詞的分詞。 b. 符合上述的選項僅有 (A) overall(整體的),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。 c. overall a. 整體的,全面的 例: Our team's overall performance in the basketball game was quite good. (我們這一隊在籃球賽中的整體表現相當不錯。)
8. The owners also play a role in the contest by making sure the dogs are thrust into the crucial part of the wave. 理由: a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,空格後有介詞詞組 in the contest(在比賽中),可知空格內應置入可數名詞的單數形。 b.符合上述的選項有 (C) role(角色)和 (H) saying(俗話、諺語),然僅 role 置入後符合語意,並形成以下固定用法: play a role/part in... 在……佔有一席之地 例: Teachers play a role in a young person's social development. (老師在年輕人社會化的發展過程中佔有一席之地。) c. 根據上述,故選 (C)。
9. Because of the increasing popularity, more and more dog surfing competitions are springing up worldwide. 理由: a. 空格前有主詞 dog surfing competitions(狗狗衝浪比賽)和 be 動詞 are,空格後有介副詞 up,可知空格內應置入不及物動詞的現在分詞。 b. 符合上述的選項有 (H) saying(正在說)和 (I) springing(正紛紛出現∕突然出現),然僅 springing 置入後符合語意,並形成下列固定用法: spring up 紛紛出現,突然出現 例: Several problems that we didn't know how to deal with sprang up. (許多我們不知該如何解決的問題紛紛冒出來。) c. 根據上述,故選 (I)。
10. As an old saying puts it, "Two heads are better than one." 理由: a. 本空格在測試以下固定用法: As an old saying puts it, "..." 俗話說的好:『……。』 例: As an old saying puts it, "Practice makes perfect." (俗話說的好:『熟能生巧。』) b. 根據上述,故選 (H)。