1. People may imagine themselves as omnipotent, a nurturing spirit, or somewhere in between. 理由: a. 本空格在測試以下固定用法: in between 在其間,在中間 例: Some people support the Democrats, while others support the Republicans. My political views fall somewhere in between. (有些人支持民主黨,而有些人支持共和黨。我的政治觀則落在兩者之間。) b. 根據上述,可知應選 (C)。
2. The challenges plaguing the players are the same problems that we areactually facing as a planet in real life. 理由: a. (A) scarcely adv. 幾乎不,幾乎沒有 例: Ted scarcely stays up late because he has to go to work early. (泰德很少熬夜,因為他很早就要出門上班。) (B) actually adv. 實際上;其實 例: Drinking in moderation is actually beneficial to your health. (適量飲酒其實有益健康。) (C) hopefully adv. 懷抱希望地;但願 (D) deliberately adv. 故意地 = on purpose 例: I didn't knock over the vase deliberately. It was an accident. (我不是故意要撞倒花瓶,那是個意外。) b. 根據語意,可知 (B) 應為正選。
3. As a player of Fate of the World, you are put in charge of global, political, and scientific policies affecting global warming. 理由: a. (A) be put in charge of... 被指派(全權)負責…… 例: Damon was put in charge of the new project. (戴蒙被指派全權負責那項新專案。) (B) in regard to... 關於…… = with regard to... 例: In regard to the book you wrote, it wasn't very interesting. (關於你寫的那本書,並不太有趣。) (C) at the cost of... 以……的價格∕代價 例: Al won the furniture design contest at the cost of losing a lot of sleep. (艾爾犧牲許多睡眠時間來贏得傢俱設計大賽。) (D) at the risk of... 冒著……的風險 例: I took up the challenge even at the risk of losing my job. (即便冒著丟掉飯碗的風險,我仍接下這項挑戰。) b. 根據語意及用法,可知應選 (A),置入後表世界命運的玩家要『負責』主導會影響地球暖化問題的全球、政治和科學政策。
4. Using strategy, players must strike a balance between the needs of humans and those of the planet. 理由: a. 本空格在測試以下用法: 在英文中,相同的名詞在同一句中出現時,為避免重複,故改用代名詞 that 或 those,若為單數名詞或不可數名詞,以代名詞 that 替代,若是複數名詞,則以 those 代替。 例: Students at this school study harder than those at that school. (這所學校的學生比那所的學生用功。) b. 此處空格前的 needs 為複數名詞,可知應以代名詞 those 替代,故選 (D)。
5. In 2006, they launched Climate Challenge, which is also a game that looks at global warming and has had over one million players since its release. 理由: a. (A) response n. 回應;回答 in response to... 回應……;回答…… 例: In response to your letter, I'm sorry we don't have any job openings now. (敬覆來函,很抱歉我們目前沒有任何職缺。) (B) release n. 發行,發表 例: After the release of her latest CD, the singer's popularity shot through the roof. (那位歌手的最新 CD 發行後,人氣直線上升。) (C) recovery n. 恢復,復元 make a full recovery 完全康復 (D) repair n. 修補,修理 b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B)。
6. Some of the challenges awaiting Fate of the World players include more than 1,000 disasters, such as floods, famines, and political scandals. 理由: a. (A) far from... 距離……很遠;一點也不…… 例: What Nick said was far from the truth. (尼克所說的一點也不屬實。) (B) rather than... 而非……;代替…… = instead of... 例: You need to deal with your problems rather than running away from them. (你要設法處理自己的問題而不是逃避它們。) (C) such as... 諸如∕像……之類 例: I like fruits, such as mangos and apples. (我喜歡像芒果和蘋果之類的水果。) (D) except for... 除了……之外 = with the exception of... 注意: except for 使用時,必須與表完全概念的形容詞 all, every, any, no 等並用。 例: Paul ate nothing for lunch except for a sandwich. (除了一個三明治,保羅午餐什麼也沒吃。) b. 根據用法及語意,可知 (C) 應為正選。
7. Fifty specific animal species must be saved from extinction, and six tipping points must be avoided in order for society to survive. 理由: a. (A) survive vi. 存活;生存 例: This kind of plant doesn't need a lot of water to survive. (這種植物不需要很多水就能存活。) (B) volunteer vi. 自願 例: Sam volunteered to help the police officer find the missing child. (山姆自願協助員警尋找那名失蹤兒童。) (C) perish vi. 死去;枯萎 例: Several people perished in the factory fire. (工廠大火造成數人死亡。) (D) retreat vi. 撤退 例: Attacks from enemy aircraft forced the troops to retreat from the frontline. (敵機的空襲迫使部隊自前線撤退。) b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A)。