An obese stray cat found wandering six months ago near Dallas has slimmed down to 34 pounds and been adopted by the veterinarian overseeing his care.
Dr. Brittney Barton said that the orange tabby dubbed Skinny is doing well on a special diet to help lose weight and increase his metabolism.
Barton says she became attached to the onetime 41-pound cat she was treating at an animal orphanage and last month he became part of her family. Skinny joins Barton’s husband, three children, a dog and another cat at her home.
Barton says Skinny gets along great with the other animals, can jump up on a couch and runs to his food bag at feeding time. She says the house has long hallways that provide good exercise for Skinny. (AP)
adopt:動詞,領養;採納。例句:Your suggestion is adopted by the board of directors.(你的建議已獲董事會採納。)
attached to someone or something:慣用語,喜歡上某人或某事。例句:He is really attached to his longtime girlfriend.(他很愛他交往多年的女朋友。)
get along (with somebody):慣用語(口語),維持良好關係、相處愉快。例句:My kid and my new husband really get along with each other.(我的小孩跟我的新老公相處得還不錯。)