The tomato has long been a near-obligatory garnishing for just about any Brazilian dish, yet it’s becoming the country’s apple of discord.
A longer-than-usual rainy season, high fuel prices and superheated demand have combined to send prices for the beloved food soaring, and consumers are seeing red.
Facebook pages have popped up for Brazilians to vent their anger, and some restaurants have even dropped tomato-based dishes from their menus.
Opposition lawmakers pushed grocery carts laden with tomatoes and other pricey fruits and vegetables into the House of Representatives to complain about inflation, while people living near Brazil’s southern border are crossing into Argentina and Paraguay to smuggle in tomatoes in defiance of customs laws.
The price of tomatoes has more than doubled over the past year, according to Brazil’s IBGE statistics agency. A kilogram now fetches as much as $6.50 at some Rio de Janeiro supermarkets _ a hefty sum in a country where the minimum wage is just $339 a month.
According to a report in the newspaper O Globo, the online backlash started when an Italian restaurant in Sao Paulo announced that it was holding off on buying fresh tomatoes and suggested clients opt for spaghetti with shrimp sauce instead.(AP)
the apple of discord:名詞,源自希臘神話中金蘋果的故事,這顆蘋果上刻有「獻給最美麗的女神」字樣,結果引來希拉(Hera)、雅典娜(Athena)與阿芙 羅黛特(Aphrodite)等三位女神爭奪,其後連串事件導致特洛伊戰爭,因此金蘋果也引申為指任何導致爭端、不和與嫉妒等的事物。
see red:非正式用語,指突然大為光火,The construction delays on the highway have many commuters seeing red.(高速公路工程延誤讓許多通勤的上班族忍不住發飆。)
fetch:動詞,指以某個價格售出,如The land could fetch over a million pounds.(這塊地可能以超過100萬英鎊的價格賣出。)