Thousands join movement to take health care away from foreign students (2012/10/14)
疾管局副局長施文儀, 先前在臉書上的言論, 讓網友在臉書上組聯署組成 ”聲援疾管局副局長施文儀『反對外籍學生納入台灣全民健保』” 的活動, 表示聲援施文儀。
有網友抱怨, 台灣的留學生在國外也都沒有健保。 還有其他網友, 引用香港人曾稱中國人為蝗蟲的話。
施文儀在臉書上對中國學生不應該納保, 以及美國對台灣免簽不是真免簽的錯誤消息言論,行政院長陳?已指示調查。但有國民黨民代認為,反應過度。
[[台北市議員(國) 戴錫欽]]
上禮拜, 政府拍板定案, 決定讓中國學生跟外國學生一樣, 納入台灣健保體系。有許多人希望在台灣工作的外國人能夠付更多的健保費用, 顯然這些網友所發起的活動, 是要剝奪這些外國學生在台的健保權利。
The siege on foreigner health care rights continues. More than 13,000 people have signed up for a Facebook event called “Support CDC Deputy Director Shih Wen-yi, Oppose Foreign Students Receiving Taiwan’s National Health Insurance.”
Thousands of people have signed up for an event with loosely defined goals of not letting foreign students join the NHI program and charging all foreigners more.
Many complain that Taiwanese students who study abroad can’t join national health insurance programs. Some have gone further, even repeating racist statements that Chinese are locusts.
Premier Sean Chen called for an investigation of Shih due to these statements and false claims Shih made about the U.S. Visa Waiver Program. DPP and KMT politicians have since come out to support Shih.
Dai Hsi-chin
KMT Taipei City Councilor
If it’s simply a public policy issue, whether or not it has to do with one’s duties, I think we can be tolerant of his right to freedom of speech, as long as he doesn’t slander the government or hurt its image.
Last week the government decided to give Chinese students the same access to health care that foreign students now have. Since, a movement has emerged to take away those health rights from all foreign students. Many even want foreign workers who pay taxes and health insurance fees to cough up even more money than their Taiwanese counterparts.