HTC and Asus launch new products to rival iPhone5 (2012/10/16)
國產HTC和華碩,紛紛推出改版手機HTC One+和PadFone2應戰。兩家公司不約而同,都將四核心處理器再提升,甚至連拍照功能也都進化了。華碩的新手機,除了提高到1300萬畫素,還支援一秒六連拍。至於HTC新品,則是附加親民的自拍功能。
“Zoom Bar從下面移到右邊,讓你一隻手就能掌控,加上內建的自拍人像模式 影像拍出來的時候,人像比較漂亮, 加上一按就可以倒數計時,就在右上角,讓你眼睛能夠更快速,對到前鏡頭”
HTC and Asus have unveiled new products featuring a quad-core processor as well as an upgraded camera phones. These companies hope the latest technology will help them maintain market share against the iPhone 5.
The PadFone2 continues a popular product series from Asus, incorporating new quad-core processor technology in this smart phone which can be easily integrated into a tablet PC.
This new product from ASUS puts more emphasis on audio and video features. Not only can one achieve six continuous shots in one second, but it comes with a 13-megapixel camera and quad-core processor.
HTC also launched its One X+ which includes not only a larger megapixel front camera but also a timer and a setting to improve skin tone for those that like self portraits.
HTC Staff
The Zoom Bar has been moved from the bottom to the left side, giving you one-handed function. There are also built-in self-portrait modes to make you more beautiful. A timer in the upper right corner helps your eyes move more quickly to the front of the lens.
The unveiling of new products by HTC and Asus featuring a quad-core processor is to fend off a major challenge by Apple’s iPhone 5.
Apple’s advantage over the local competitors may be its convenient iOS5 operating system, but it could be hamstrung by its dual-core processor.