Politicians debate who ceded sovereignty ground in WTO negotiations (2012/10/15)
[[前WTO代表 顏慶章]]
“2001年她把所有主權意涵文字,放棄掉了 一輩子拿不回來,永遠拿不回來,我要再講一句,外交檔案一清二楚,但是她如果真的,要請求監察院調查,我非常樂意為之”
[[外交部長 林永樂]]
[[立委(國) 丁守中]]
The politician tabbed to be Taiwan’s top envoy to the World Trade Organization is under fire. Lai Hsin-yuan apparently ceded ground more than a decade ago during negotiations for Taiwan to enter the WTO. Lai denies the charge and instead blames a former envoy.
Yesterday KMT lawmaker Ting Shou-chung leveled accusations at Lai Shin-yuan, the former Mainland Affairs Council chief. Ting said in 2001 when Lai served as a negotiator for Taiwan to enter the World Trade Organization, she deleted or watered down all terms related to sovereignty. Lai responded in the evening with a 3,000-character rebuttal. She blamed the changes on former WTO representative Yen Ching-chang and called for a bipartisan investigation. Yen denied the charge.
Yen Ching-chang
Former WTO Representative
In 2001 she surrendered all terms related to sovereignty. They are gone forever. I want to repeat that the diplomatic files are clear on this. But if she wants the Control Yuan to investigate, I’d be more than delighted.
Late last month Lai was named the next representative to the WTO. Legislator Ting Shou-chong wants President Ma Ying-jeou to rescind the appointment. Ting has met opposition.
David Lin
Foreign Minister
I think she’s well suited because she understands the WTO. But she should explain (the sovereignty accusations).
Ting Shou-chung
KMT Legislator
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should release these historical documents and information so we can get to the bottom of this. It can’t just say that it’s yielding because the president already made his appointment. This would be an affront to diplomatic morale.
The legislature’s foreign committee has requested that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs report on Lai Shin-yuan within two weeks.