Senior American motorcyclists begin Taiwan journey (2012/10/16)
五年前,17位高齡長者機車環島,不老的故事被拍成廣告,還在網路上吸引超過百萬人次點閱。之後還被拍成紀錄片, 並在南韓釜山影展上播放。
[[美國電視製作人 Peter Starr]]
A group of senior American motorcyclists have embarked on a four-day journey that will take them to some of Taiwan’s most scenic spots. They are joining locals known as the Grand Riders, who became famous after their pursuit of a dream was made into a commercial and then a film.
Five years ago, 17 senior motorbike drivers took a trip around Taiwan. Their tale of lasting youth was turned into an online advertisement viewed by millions. Later it was made into the film “Go Grandriders,” which recently premiered at the Busan International Film Festival.
Documentary filmmaker Pete Starr was moved by the story. He visited, then returned to the United States and wrote a story of his journey for Motorcyclist Magazine. He is now back in Taiwan, and brought other motorcyclists with him.
Pete Starr
Documentary Filmmaker
Fortunately for me you people in Taiwan and the Grand Riders in Hondao Foundation are already there. You’ve already done it, you lead the world. You really do, you lead the world. And I want to learn from you, take that back to England to America.
The original Taiwan Grand Riders bravely fulfilled a dream. They are honored that their story has reached the opposite side of the world.