Russia showed off new machines of war on Saturday in the annual Victory Day military parade through Red Square that marks the surrender of Nazi Germany and the Red Army’s key role in the defeat.


Victory Day is Russia’s most important secular holiday, both commemorating the Soviet Union’s huge suffering in the war and highlighting Russia’s portrayal of itself as a force for peace and security.


In his speech to the assembled troops and veterans, President Vladimir Putin said that the carnage of the war underlined the importance of international cooperation, but ’’in the past decades we have seen attempts to create a unipolar world.’’ That phrase is often used by Russia to criticize the United States’ purported aim to dominate world affairs.


The observances were shadowed by the near-complete absence of European leaders from the ceremony.


The cold shoulder that European leaders turned toward Victory Day underlines the tensions between Russia and the West over the Ukraine crisis. As Western sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine continue to bite, Russia has increasingly appeared to pivot away from Europe and focus more on developing relations with China.(AP)



takes a swipe at:動詞片語,批評、打擊。例句:The president took a swipe at his political opponents in a major speech last week.(總統在上週一場重要演說中批評他的政治對手。)

give somebody/something the cold shoulder:動詞片語,刻意冷淡對待某事/人。例句:He gave me the cold shoulder for days.(他好幾天都對我不理不睬。)

bite:動詞,產生負面影響、效果。例句:The new property taxes have begun to bite.(新實施的房地產稅已開始產生負面效應。)



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