’My cat is safe’, Medvedev assures Russia 「我的貓沒事,」梅德維傑夫向俄羅斯保證
Setting aside fears for a new arms race with the United States or the conflict in Syria, President Dmitry Medvedev took to Twitter Wednesday to reassure Russia on another burning issue--the wellbeing of his cat.
Presidential pet Dorofey had not, contrary to press reports and frenzied Internet speculation, gone missing.
"It has become known from sources close to Dorofey that he didn’t disappear. Thank you for your concern, everyone," tweeted Medvedev.
Russian social media users have been having a field day speculating about the cat’s alleged escape, with at least two Twitter accounts created in Dorofey’s name to post updates of his whereabouts and his decision to join the nascent protest movement.
"I am tired of politics! I want family and kids!" one Dorofey impersonator @Dorofey_Kot tweeted.
The cat’s name--derived from Greek Dorotheos, or the ’gift of God’--soared to global Twitter trends as bloggers joked the animal had fled ahead of his owner’s departure from the Kremlin in May. (AFP)
set aside something:片語,放一邊,擱置,保留。例句:It’s wise to set aside some money for unexpected expenses that may come up in the future.(留一點錢下來以應付未來的不時之需是明智之舉。)
contrary to something:片語,與…相反的是。例句:Contrary to public opinion, his cat is well and healthy.(跟輿論說法相反的是,他的貓又好又健康。)
have a field day:片語,有機會做很多想做的事,大顯身手,特別是批評他人。例句:The media would have a field day if their relationship ever became public knowledge.(他們的關係要是公諸於世,媒體可有得吵了。)