Bunnies galore in Tokyo district famed for maid cafes 以女僕咖啡店聞名的東京區域的兔群
So you want to hang out with a bunny?
Look no further than Candy Fruits Usagi no Yakata(Rabbit Hall)in Tokyo’s bustling Akihabara, a district known as much for its maid cafes now as it was for stores selling electronic gadgetry in days gone by.
那就鎖定位於熙來攘往的東京秋葉原區的「糖果水果 兔之館」。秋葉原區過去以販賣各種電子零組件的商店打響名號,如今則以許多女僕咖啡店聞名。
"Welcome!" A woman in a pink outfit replete with rabbit ears says in greeting.
The staff members are known as "ko-usagi"(rabbit girls), but they are not the main attraction:Here, it’s the rabbits.
There’s a basic charge for admission. It is 1,600 yen for an hour. Coffee and tea are all-you-can-drink, but there’s no food for people on the menu:only "rabbit snacks." These cost an additional 200 yen and consist of finely chopped carrots, apples and turnip leaves--in other words, rabbit food. Visitors are allowed to play with the rabbits.
galore:形容詞(用在名詞後面),大量的,豐富的。例句:There were cherry blossoms galore along the river.(河的沿岸有大量櫻花。)
as much as:片語,差不多,一樣多。例句:People who live in this community consider him a friend as much as a foe.(住在這個社區的人認為他亦敵亦友。)
hang out with someone:片語,意指與某人一起玩樂消磨時間。例句:I wish you would stop hanging out with that crowd of boys.(我希望你不要再跟那群男孩子混在一起了。)