Jesus the goat saved despite butting norwegian cop 山羊耶穌撞了挪威條子卻保住一命
Having a horned goat butt you in the behind would make anyone cross--even if the goat is named Jesus.
So it’s no surprise that Jesus’ owner, Norwegian farmer Tor Brede Launes, decided to make the goat pay for his sins after he chased a mother and child up a tree before turning his sights--and his horns--on a police officer.
The animal attack took place on a small island off the south coast of Norway when Jesus "got gruff" with a mother and her child who climbed up a tree while cops were called to the scene, according to Norwegian website The Local. But Jesus, a 176-pound billy goat, charged straight at one of the constables.
The incident obviously got the goat of Jesus’ owner, who decided that the animal was going to be meeting his maker on a fiery grill.
Amazingly, the goat must have suspected something because he soon went on the lam, forcing Launes to travel around the island crying out for Jesus.
But it turns out Jesus may not have to die for his sins, according to The Local. After animal rights activists demanded Jesus be saved, Launes decided to put Jesus up for sale, possibly for some altar wine.
butt:動詞,用頭或角頂、撞,干預他人事務、插嘴;名詞,笑柄。例句:Butt out of your son’s life. He’s an adult.(不要干預你兒子的人生,他成年了。)
cross:形容詞,生氣的,不老實的;名詞或動詞,磨難,阻礙、反對,欺騙。例句:I don’t like being crossed.(我不喜歡別人和我唱反調。)
gruff:形容詞,粗魯的、無禮的、脾氣壞的;動詞,行為粗魯。例句:She is so pissed-off with the waiter’s gruff manner.(這名服務生粗魯的態度把她惹毛了。)