Stray parakeet tells Japanese police where he lives 迷路長尾小鸚鵡告訴警察牠住哪
A pet parakeet was returned to its owner Wednesday after the lost bird told police its home address near Tokyo.
The male bird had escaped early Sunday morning from its owner’s home in the city of Sagamihara, west of Tokyo, and remained at large before perching on the shoulder of a guest staying in a nearby hotel.
Handed over to local police, the bird did not speak until Tuesday evening, when it blurted out the names of the city and district where its owner’s house is located, said a spokesman for the north Sagamihara police station.
It then produced the home’s block and street number as a trio of astonished police officers listened to the now talkative bird.
The bird’s owner, a 64-year-old woman, once lost another parakeet after it flew away and was determined to prevent a repeat, the spokesman told AFP.
"So the owner decided to teach the address to this parakeet after she bought it at a pet shop two years ago," he said.
"The bird’s name was found to be Piko-chan as it said, ’You’re pretty, Piko-chan’."(AFP)
at large:片語,未被捕的。例句:The fugitive was still at large.(逃亡者尚未遭到逮捕。)
perch:(鳥)飛落,棲息。例句:A herring gull perched on the rails. (一隻銀鷗停在軌道上。)
blurt:片語,未經思考就脫口而出。 例句:She blurted out the truth.(她脫口而出把事實說出來。)