很多人都有口頭禪,像美國總統歐巴馬的”let me be clear”(讓我講清楚);雷根總統說話習慣前先來一個Well,然後停頓半秒鐘;小布希則愛說:Make no mistake about it.(可別弄錯了!)讓人想起西部牛仔在說話。這些都慢慢形成一個人說話的風格。
大部份口頭禪很短,是發語詞,像"um", "er", "ah", 也有像 "you know"、"like"這類字沒有意思,功能是讓語氣順暢,一氣呵成不中斷。
美國年輕人用like這個字眼,經常已經到浮濫地步,有人覺得講話裡少了像like這樣的過渡字,就像赤裸裸裡站在別人前面,不自在(Your speech might feel "naked" without the word "like" to fill in gaps.)。但過度使用這些無意義的字,真的讓人反感。
美國有一個機構叫Academy of Linguistic Awareness,曾經發起一個”Don’t sound stupid, stop saying like.”這樣的運動。Like的流行始於加州南部,後來遍及北美,年輕人用得太誇張了。Academy of Linguistic Awareness做了一張誇張的海報:
Step1: Understanding the Word (瞭解Like這個字的涵義)
像 - "This tastes like chicken."
喜歡 - "I like this movie."
(X)"It's like we knew each other the whole time!"
(O)"It's as if we knew each other the whole time!"
Step 2: Pause when you would typically insert "like." (脫口說出like前,暫停一下。)
語助詞本來就在填補暫停,何不就暫停," Pausing will also make you sound more authoritative.”(短暫停頓會讓你的言語更具權威感)
Step 3: Stop using "like" when quoting someone. (引述別人談話,不用like。)
(X) "He was like 'Where are you going?' and she was like 'None of your business!'"
(O) "He asked 'Where are you going?' and she yelled 'None of your business!"
Step 4: Don't use "like" to approximate.(大約,不用like。)
講大概數量時,,請用: about, approximately,或 roughly.
(X)"She's, like, five feet tall."
(O) "She's about five feet tall."
(X) "You'll need, like, three tablespoons of butter."
(O) "You'll need roughly three tablespoons of butter."
Step 5: Stop using "like" before adjectives and adverbs.(形容詞、副詞前不用like。)
形容詞前面不用like,特別是"so" 或 "really"前面,不要用like。
(X)"He was, like, so tall."
(O) "He was tall."
(X)"She's, like, really irritated."
(O)"She's irritated."
Step 6: Improve your vocabulary.(增加詞彙)
(差)"He's like 160 lbs."
(好)"He's about 160 lbs."
(更好)"He weighs 160 lbs and has a stocky build."
(差) "She's, like, really happy with her new job."
(好) "She's happy with her new job."
(更好)"She's more satisfied with her new job."
Step 7: Quit using the "like" altogether.(徹底拔除like這個字眼)
像:用"similar to"取代"like"。
喜歡:用"enjoy", "savor", "love." 取代 "like"。