目前分類:譯義非凡 (2379)

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The Pentagon is concerned that Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who leaked the US government’s secret surveillance programs, will compromise top-secret electronic intelligence programs targeted against China, according to a defense official.


It’s unclear whether officials in Hong Kong or in Russia obtained any of the classified material. But the official said it is possible Snowden may have made contact with MSS officials in Hong Kong and bartered with Chinese authorities using his access to top-secret intelligence data to avoid being sent back to the United States.

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Germany’s top court said recently that gay couples are entitled to the same tax benefits as married heterosexuals in a ruling which threatens to deepen rifts within Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives just three months before an election.


The verdict requires a change in the law and is a red rag to some in Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) and its traditionally Catholic Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), who worry that conservative values are being diluted.

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The price of fame can be high with an international study finding that people who enjoy successful entertainment or sporting careers tend to die younger.


Researchers Richard Epstein and Catherine Epstein said the study, based on analysing 1,000 New York Times obituaries from 2009-2011, found film, music, stage performers and sports people died at an average age of 77.2 years.

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Former NBA star Dennis Rodman is tapping his friendship with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to ask for the release of a Korean-American man sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in the North.


"I’m calling on the Supreme Leader of North Korea or as I call him ’Kim’, to do me a solid and cut Kenneth Bae loose," Rodman said on Twitter. He later called the tweet a direct response to a Seattle Times editorial that dared him to ask Kim for the release if the two are really buddies.

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Junk-food starved Gazans can now order Kentucky Fried Chicken to go thanks to a new smuggling service which brings takeout from Egypt via a network of underground tunnels.


It’s not exactly "fast" -- taking several hours to arrive, with the Palestinian delivery company behind it charging hefty prices to cover the cost of fuel and transport.

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A U.S. Christian group that once promoted therapy to encourage gays and lesbians to overcome their sexual preferences has closed its doors and apologized to those who underwent treatment, acknowledging its mission had been hurtful and ignorant.


Exodus International billed itself as the oldest and largest Christian ministry dealing with faith and homosexuality, operating since 1976.

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  「妳來應徵女服務生?」「是帶位小姐。」履歷表 菲爾美食小館(譯註:前來這家小館應徵工作的主角是一個 Hostess CupCake,這是去年已停止營業的同名製造商最知名的產品。不過 hostess 這個字除了指這種杯子蛋糕以外,同時也是「帶位小姐」之意。而本餐館 Phine Dining 其實是 Fine Dining 的另類寫法,以配合老闆 Phil 的名字,而 Phine 和 fine 的讀音相同。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3317&next=1

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  「飛向英菲尼迪!」「浩瀚無垠呢?」「沒有,只要到經銷商那裡去就好。我的版稅支票已經寄來了。」(譯註:To infinity ... and beyond「飛向宇宙,浩瀚無垠!」是皮克斯動畫電影《玩具總動員》中的角色巴斯光年的著名台詞。可是 infinity 無限在此被改成了日本汽車製造商日產汽車旗下的子公司 Infiniti,因為兩者的讀音相同。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3313&next=1

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  古希臘的娛樂 《我和我母親的相遇》伊底帕斯領銜主演 《打破盤子》「西歐!那是我最名貴的陶瓷耶!」 《圓周率的奇幻漂流》 三點一四 《我們買了宙斯》「全部是一百五十美元。」

(譯註:希臘神話人物伊底帕斯殺了親生父親並迎娶親生母親,其劇名影射電視劇《How I Met Your Mother》。Theo 是常見的希臘文名字,摔盤子是希臘人一項婚禮傳統,而漫畫中影射影集

《Breaking Bad》。希臘文 π【圓周率 Pi】影射李安執導的好萊塢電影《少年 Pi 的奇幻漂流》。Zeus 宙斯音近 zoo 動物園,影射電影《我們買了動物園》。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3309&next=1

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  「我在想你可能需要戴眼鏡了。」「可是我是來檢查我的冒號的。」「沒錯。」去看表情符號醫生(譯註:在這類表情符號中,colon 冒號通常代表臉上的眼睛,但 colon 這個字也是「結腸」的意思。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3305&next=1

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 資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3301&next=1

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  「快點,快點──只要把錢交出來,就沒人會受傷!」餅乾模的黑暗面(譯註:cookie cutter 本指做餅乾使用的「餅乾模」,不過在此卻是「割傷餅乾者」之意。而 dough 則是「錢」和「麵糰」一語雙關。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3297&next=1

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「不清楚。我是說懂…我的意思是說…嗯,等等…」(譯註:to make oneself clear 原本指「某人把話說得很明白」之意,不過 clear 這個單字亦可指「透明的」之意,以配合本漫畫中的隱形老兄。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3293&next=1

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  哈吉斯之家 哈吉斯之家 文斯的優惠代客泊車(譯註:本漫畫中負責代客泊車的是進行汽車撞擊測試時使用的假人 crash test dummy。而 haggis 則指一種將羊的內臟、燕麥、洋蔥、牛肉末與香料塞入羊的胃中,然後再水煮的料理,是蘇格蘭最具代表性的一道菜。)

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(譯註:to pass a stone 本指排出體內的結石,stone 在此也影射 The Rolling Stones「滾石合唱團」的成員。而 to run into someone 除了「遇見某人」之外,也有「撞上某人」的意思,而漫畫中的 beach boy 則影射 The Beach Boys「海灘男孩團體」的成員。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3285&next=1

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1. 重點在you不是I:

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潔西卡上呈老外主管一份行銷建議書,得到以下回覆:You need to make out a case for

your suggestions first. 潔西卡心想:「這是全新行銷手法,我上哪去找案例呢?」只得再度請示老外主管。對方才說:No! I just need you to explain more about your suggestions.

如果潔西卡知道make out a case for是指「提出做某件事的充分理由」,就不會有誤會。以下是常讓人誤解的用語。看看你是不是也有聽沒有懂。

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不少發音錯誤的例子,包含品牌名稱、人名,還有一些是以為理所當然,於是就唸錯了。今天再幫讀整理出八組容易混淆的發音,有些是音近,但意思完全不同,例如:把I am full講成了I am (a) fool,明明是飽了,聽起來像是駡自己傻子,很尷尬。有些唸錯的原因是詞性轉換,字的發音也跟著變換,沒特別留心就容易講錯的!

1. Analyze,analysis

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