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介係詞在英文句字裡, 雖然不起眼, 卻常常扮演著關鍵性的角色, 如果用錯了, 可是會糗大的喔!以下句子, 請試著將它們更正。

  1. Welcome you to visit Taipei next year.  歡迎您明年來臺北參訪。
  2. I have a question to you. 我有一個問題要問你。
  3. Let's team a group. 讓我們組一個團隊吧!
  4. I met my boyfriend at Taipei Main Station. 我在臺北車站巧遇我男友。
  5. May I try this shirt? 我可以試穿這件襯衫嗎?

資料來源 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/8303923

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很多人有過這樣的經驗: 電話鈴聲響了,你拿起話筒:「XX公司,您好」,接著電話那一端一連串劈哩叭啦快速英文:… I got your number from your website. I’d like to speak to the person in charge。 頓時,你嚇呆了,連最簡單的No, problem. I'll put you through.都想不起來。


1、Are you with me?(你同意嗎?)

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  • Sep 11 Wed 2013 15:30
  • Pants

當然,我們都知道 “pants” 的一般意思 – 不過,有些人有時可能搞不清楚 pants 在美國和英國的意思是不一樣的;pants 在美國是「褲子」(英國的褲子叫做 trousers),在英國是「內褲」(美國的內褲叫做 underwear)。然而,許多人可能不知道 pants 現在也可當形容詞,感嘆詞,甚至動詞用! 它現在已遠遠超出一件衣服的應用範疇。

想像在倫敦街頭兩位 20來歲年輕人的對話場景:其中一位拿出手機打電話,他的朋友對他說 “Your mob is pants, why don’t you get a new one?”。這句話的意思是「你的手機遜斃了,為甚麼不換支新的呢?」(注意:手機 mobile phone 的口語已簡化到 mob 的程度)。顯然地,這裡的 pants 是個形容詞,意為「很爛的;很遜的;品質低劣的;垃圾般的」;不僅如此,它還有比較級 more pants 和最高級 most pants 哦!

再來看 pants 的感嘆詞用法,如 Pants! I’ve got a test at school tomorrow and I haven’t done any work. (慘了! 我明天學校要考試,我一點準備都沒有)。這裡的 pants 是個感嘆詞,在表達失望、擔心、沮喪的意思,意為「慘了;糟了;完了」。

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  1. What size shoes do you take / are you wearing? (你穿幾號鞋?)
  2. What ages are (不是 have) your children?/ What age is your child? (你的小孩年紀多大?)
  3. You don’t look your age. (你看上去比實際歲數年輕)
  4. The picture/photo doesn’t flatter you. (這張照片沒有你本人漂亮)
  5. I’m caught short. (我錢帶不夠 – 如買東西時發現錢帶不夠)
  6. My son has outgrown his clothes. (我兒子個子長大了衣服穿不下了)
  7. The toilet is backed up. (馬桶不通了)
  8. Mary is available. (瑪麗沒有男朋友)
  9. Mary is already taken. (瑪麗已經有男朋友)
  10. Our homeroom teacher is a real pain (in the ass/butt). (我們班導很機車)

資料來源 http://englishhome.org/archives/6788

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這是個英美越來越盛行的感嘆詞。當你自己做了某件愚蠢的事情,或做了某件愚蠢的事情被逮個正著,或錯失了一個良好的機會,你就可以說 D’oh!。這個字的意思相當於在你知道自己做了蠢事時會說的話:”Damn! I’m stupid.” (該死! 我好笨) 或 “Oh, not again!” (噢,不要又來了)。

D’oh! 於2002年首次出現在《牛津英語大辭典》(Oxford English Dictionary, OED) 中,但它早在1988年就已是美國電視劇「辛普森家族」(The Simpsons) 中常講的一個字,用來表達沮喪,挫折或一種 (不順利或不好的事情) 注定如此的無奈。

然而,這個字千萬別與發音和拼字都頗為相近的 “duh!” 搞混了,後者是南加州聖費爾南多谷地 (San Fernando Valley) — 這個地區是由數個城市所構成,包括洛杉磯大半土地 — 常用的「社會方言」(sociolect,即 social dialect) Valspeak 中的用字,意為「眾所周知」(everyone knows that) 或「顯然地」(obviously)。你可能曾經看過電視演員眼冒怒火,嘴巴大叫 “Duh!”,因為他們認為某人做了愚不可及的事情。

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這是一個目前廣泛使用的片語,意為「不要再頹廢了,振作起來,好好生活」或「要過更充實,更有趣,更有意義的生活」,如 Get a life, why don’t you! (振作起來,好好生活,為什麼你不呢!)。所以當有人失意潦倒或因失業整天愁眉苦臉、意志消沈時,我們就可以對他們說 get a life。

不僅如此,這片語也可用在工作狂或任何迷上某事的人身上,如迷上某電視節目或連續劇,我們也可以對他們說 get a life。

這片語可追溯到數十年前,原本是美國加州的俚語,然後變成美國一個電視節目的名稱,之後即被廣泛應用在電台廣播、電視節目、小說、文章等等之中,如 Don’t take things too seriously! Chill out! Get a life! (別把事情看得太嚴重! 放輕鬆! 好好生活吧!) – chill out 為常見的口語,意思相當於 relax (放輕鬆;放鬆一下)。

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US President Barack Obama repeatedly called British finance minister George Osborne "Jeffrey" at the G8 summit, media reported on Thursday.


The US president said three times that he agreed fully with "Jeffrey" during his presentation on G8 host Britain’s plans to crack down on tax avoidance, leaving Osborne red-faced.

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An Austrian bank employee has found himself in hot water after he unloaded bags containing 90,000 euros from his car boot to fix a puncture -- only to see the money to fall into a river below.


The incident reportedly happened on May 7 as the employee was transporting the cash from a small bank branch in Obertauern in western Salzburg province to the main office in nearby Radstadt, the daily Salzburger Nachrichten reported on Saturday.

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Nothing like a good hairdo to fight deeply entrenched racism in one of the world’s emerging economic giants.


The tools of battle, such as scissors and conditioners, are being wielded on the outskirts of Rio in a chain of beauty parlors that cater to black and mulata women of limited means.

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Women may get a glow during pregnancy, but now it turns out that men feel they are more attractive as well - only after the baby has arrived.


In the first study of its kind, men said that their self image improved after the birth in what is being called a ‘hidden benefit’ of becoming a dad.

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The horse is an American icon. It races gracefully, performs heavy farm tasks, can do tricks and, if television is to be believed, may even talk. But only one is an accomplished painter.


Metro Meteor, a 10-year-old thoroughbred bay in rural Maryland, is enjoying singular success. Within just months of applying his first brush stroke to paper, he is juggling requests for public appearances, weighing endorsement offers and earning thousands of dollars for his work.

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Retirement has a detrimental impact on mental and physical health, a new study has found. The study, published by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), a think tank, found that retirement results in a "drastic decline in health" in the medium and long term.


The IEA said the study suggests people should work for longer for health as well as economic reasons.

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A dog named “Pui” in Ayutthaya Province has saved the life of a newborn baby after she was abandoned in a garbage heap on the roadside, reports the National News Bureau of Thailand.


The newborn girl, wrapped in a white plastic bag, was on a pile of garbage on the side of a road when a 2-year-old Thai Bangkaew dog Pui found her.

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Nepal’s Supreme Court has ordered the government to alter passports so that transgenders no longer have to describe themselves as male or female, a court spokesman said on Tuesday, a move welcomed by rights activists.


The court made the decision on Monday following a petition from a transgender who wanted a third category introduced on passports for people who identify themselves neither as male or female, the spokesman said.

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MOVE OVER Omar Borkan Al Gala – the man deemed too sexy for Saudi Arabia - there’s a rival in town, who has laid claim to the title of best-looking man on the planet.


Meet Ahmed Angel, the male model whose online photo album has been viewed more than a million times. His album titles include ’the most beautiful face ever’ and ’very HOT!’

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The science world has paid homage to Johnny Depp by giving his name to an extinct creepy-crawly with "scissor hand-like" claws reminiscent of one of the Hollywood actor’s best-known roles.


Kooteninchela deppi, a 505-million-year-old distant ancestor of lobsters and scorpions, has been named for Depp’s famous portrayal of a gentle freak named Edward Scissorhands in the 1990 eponymous film, according to a study in the Journal of Palaeontology.

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  「9-1-1 緊急專線嗎?是的,我正在廿號公路旁的某處休息站,有人揚言要偷韭蔥!」喀!「喂?喂??」麥克的行動洋蔥超市 女廁 男廁(譯註:9-1-1 是美國一支緊急狀況通報專線電話,麥克打這支電話是因為有人想偷他的 leek 韭蔥,結果卻被掛斷電話,因為對方以為麥克是說有人在 to take a leak 小便,而這場誤會之所以發生,是因為 leek 和 leak 的讀音近似。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3281&next=1

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  「我感受到需求了,對速度的需求!」冰人 好萊塢 雪人 瑪莉珍 突然間,捍衛戰士的指揮官發現他們飛行員可能有毒品濫用問題的微妙徵兆。(譯註:本漫畫影射一九八六年好萊塢經典電影《捍衛戰士》,戰機飛行員會將自己的綽號漆在戰機的機身上。但是 speed、ice、snow 和 Mary Jane 分別是毒品安非他命、甲基安非他命、古柯鹼和大麻的黑話。而 speed 本來指「速度」之意。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3277&next=1

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  「給我!」「你有發現那是十九點嗎?」「我說了,給我!」詹姆斯布朗:靈魂樂教父,演藝圈最努力的男人,或許也是有史以來最爛的廿一點玩家。(譯註:本漫畫正在玩廿一點的是有「演藝圈最努力的男人」稱號的已故美國黑人歌手 James Brown,他在演唱時常常會加入 hit me 這個口頭禪,可是這個詞也是「再發一張牌給我」之意,而一般玩家有十九點後是不會叫莊家再發一張牌。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3273&next=1

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  「唔嗯嗯…抱歉,我的煤炭在上面這裡了!」(譯註:女性在男性眼睛亂瞄時會說 my eyes are up here,但是 eyes 在這裡被改成了 coals,因為人們再堆雪人時,常常會把煤炭當成雪人的眼睛。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3269&next=1

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