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Veterinarians are trying acupuncture to cure a Sumatran tiger at an Israeli zoo.


The 14-year-old tiger, named Pedang, suffers from a chronic ear infection. On Sunday, a holistic medicine professional tried acupuncture on him, pricking him with several pink needles in his ear and at other points of his body. The tiger was sedated during the treatment.

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Scientists on Friday called NASA’s Opportunity rover gimpy and arthritic, but hailed its new discoveries about early water on Mars made almost 10 years after it was launched toward the Red Planet.


The unmanned solar-powered vehicle has just analyzed what may be its oldest rock ever, known as Esperance 6. It contains evidence that potentially life-supporting water once flowed in abundance, leaving clay minerals behind.

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At last, here’s something for women with bigger bottoms to smile about. Research shows they live longer.


A study has found that pear-shaped women, typified by the small waists and shapely bottom of the likes of Kate Winslet and Christina Hendricks, have a longer life expectancy than the apple shapes who store fat around their middle.

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Their project might not sound like much: The college students recently launched a tiny model of a satellite the size of a soda can on a big yellow balloon.


It went aloft to a height of 165 meters and then came back down attached to a parachute. Yet in this developing West African country, ambitious organizers, _who recently launched the Ghana Space Science and Technology Center _ see the test as a sign of bigger things to come.

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A gluten-free, wheat-free store in Australia has come under fire for charging customers A$5 just for looking at products on display.


Celiac Supplies in Brisbane complained that it had too many people going into the store to find out which products were gluten and wheat-free and then going to buy them elsewhere.

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Speaking on NBC’s "Today" show in a segment originally filmed before the Boston Marathon bombings, President Barack Obama revealed the strategy he and First Lady Michelle Obama have been using to keep their daughters away from tattoos.


"What we’ve said to the girls is, ’If you guys ever decide you’re going to get a tattoo, then mommy and me will get the exact same tattoo, in the same place, and we’ll go on YouTube and show it off as a family tattoo,’" Obama said.

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A Slovak street performer dressed in white papal vestments has been detained and fined by the police in Rome for bearing too close a resemblance to the late John Paul II, the police said on Friday.


"The problem was that he looked a lot like Karol Wojtyla. He was detained for usurpation of title which is a misdemeanour," a police spokeswoman told AFP. "The cassock he was wearing has been confiscated," she added.

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  「傑 瑞賈西亞!你的永生怎麼樣呀?」「袍子太小了,光圈太大了,而且這把豎琴走音了。」『心懷感激的往生者個^#!$#』(譯註:本漫畫影射美國著名搖滾樂團 Grateful Dead「死之華合唱團」及其靈魂人物 Jerry Garcia。本漫畫將團名曲解成了「滿懷感激的往生者」,而 Jerry Garcia 的一連串抱怨顯然令上帝深感不滿。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3238&next=1

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  「路 克,我是你的…等一下…不,不…算了。」貝斯平星嬰兒檢測報告 案例號碼:01134715 無迷地原蟲吻合 遙遠遙遠銀河的親子鑑定報告出爐(譯註:Bespin 是《星際大戰》系列電影中的行星,midichlorian 迷地原蟲是決定生物體內 the Force 原力強弱的微小有機體。而在該系列電影中,天行者路克和黑武士原本是父子。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3234&next=1

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  香皂 在使用髒話之後,小海倫凱勒被處罰了(譯註:以前在歐美國家,若小孩講話「出口成髒」的話,家長會警告要拿肥皂洗小孩的嘴巴作為懲罰,但美國已故身心障礙教育家海倫凱勒失聰且失明,因此她在本漫畫中由於寫了不雅的字眼而被罰洗手。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3230&next=1

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  「沒 錯,女士,我們會為您舖上我們最好的複合式屋瓦屋頂……在房子的屋頂。」『好啊。』冷血的屋頂建築業電訪人員確定時機恰當的停頓通常都是成功銷售的秘訣 (譯註:打電話的人說 on the house 是指「在屋子的屋頂舖瓦」地意思,但是電話中的女士卻誤以為是要「免費」替她舖瓦之意。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3226&next=1

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資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3222&next=1

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  「現 在往這裡走!護士,馬上給我一個 P195/60R14…標準型輪胎!」米其林(譯註:本漫畫的傷患是米其林輪胎的吉祥物 Bibendum(亦稱 Michelin Man)。外科醫師說的 P195/60R14 指的是某型號規格的輪胎,因為傷患是由各種不同大小的輪胎組合而成的。)

 資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3218&next=1

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  全 世界最忙碌的專業工作 股票經紀人 航管人員 聯邦快遞員工 「你們可以在我們廿四小時候填完洛夫女士的處方籤後再來嗎」「那樣時間夠嗎?」名人藥局(譯註:本漫畫的最後一格影射因濫用藥物和毒品而形象不佳的搖滾女 歌手 Courtney Love,並暗諷好萊塢藥局為了滿足名流在這方面的需求,必須廿四小時全天營業。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3214&next=1

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  在 把回溯機器設定成一八五六年,晉見了維多利亞女王後,皮巴迪先生破壞了王室禮儀。(譯註:本漫畫影射美國知名動畫影集《The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show》中戴眼鏡的狗 Mister Peabody,狗在碰到未曾見過的東西時,總是會先用鼻子去聞,但這個習慣動作卻冒犯了英國的維多利亞女王。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3210&next=1

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  「妳沒泡泡啊,卡莉?超~~~無聊的!」「我猜她根本沒打入二氧化碳!哈哈!」身為沒泡泡的可樂的痛苦(譯註:在本漫畫中,flat 是形容「汽水沒氣」以及「胸部小」一語雙關。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3206&next=1

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「有 三位醫生加入,但你的胃移除手術十分成功。現在我們來討論一下你的低電容吧。」(譯註:本漫畫的病人影射國外知名遊戲玩具 Operation,玩家必須用夾子拿出指定的器官或組織,同時避免碰觸到旁邊。這個遊戲玩具必須要有電池才能玩。而在英文中,breadbasket 是「胃」的俗稱,並且是本遊戲玩具必須移除的部位之一的名稱。


資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3202&next=1

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Jackie Chan


(動詞) 傷害 (通常是用來嚇唬人的)。Jackie Chan 是成龍的英文名字。

  • Don’t make me Jackie Chan your ass. (別逼我傷害你)

資料來源 http://englishhome.org/archives/119

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(名詞) (侮辱用語) 笨蛋,傻瓜。

  • My boss is a bloody jackass. (我老闆是個大笨蛋)

資料來源 http://englishhome.org/archives/114

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in the bag


(片語) 穩操勝券;有十成的把握。

  • Everything is in the bag. There is nothing to worry about. (一切都穩操勝券。沒什麼好擔心的)

資料來源 http://englishhome.org/archives/111

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