The victim of a candy kleptomaniac had a very sweet ending to his story.
An anonymous thief took a Kit Kat bar from Kansas State University freshman Hunter Jobbins’ car on Sunday. The thief left a note for Jobbins, who said he had only been gone for 15 minutes.
"Saw Kit-Kat in your cup holder," the note read. "I love Kit-Kats so I checked your door and it was unlocked. Did not take anything other than the Kit-Kat. I am sorry and hungry."
News of this unfortunate event spread quickly, and reached the ears of The Hershey Company, who make Kit Kat bars in the United States.
The company came through in a big way, delivering 6,500 Kit Kat bars to Jobbins at Kansas State on Thursday.
Students gathered around his car to get their own piece of the action.
come through for:慣用語,困難時支持或幫助某人。例句:You really came through for me today.(你今天真是幫了我大忙了。)
reach someone’s ears:慣用語,(某人)聽聞(某事)。例句:Rumors of her divorce reached her parents’ ears.(她的父母聽聞她離婚的傳聞。)
a piece of the action:分享參與某事所獲得的利益,分一杯羹。
全通翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1068816&day=2017-01-06